Environment. Absolute figures Average number of weekly hours dedicated to the care of persons with disabilities, by sex and Autonomous Community. Average and standard deviation. Population aged 16 years old and over caring for persons with disabilities Units: average and standard deviation ,Average,Standard deviation, BOTH SEXES, Total,68.77,53.48, Andalucía,88.91,62.63, Aragón,44.61,33.13, Asturias (Principado de),51.42,38.19, Balears (Illes),50.33,35.50, Canarias,68.53,39.50, Cantabria,66.23,39.86, Castilla y León,87.46,57.55, Castilla-La Mancha,75.38,43.89, Cataluña,63.83,54.70, Comunitat Valenciana,47.63,35.80, Extremadura,103.76,64.39, Galicia,45.47,39.26, Madrid (Comunidad de),80.64,52.46, Murcia (Región de),58.80,51.08, Navarra (Comunidad Foral de),60.56,49.04, País Vasco,57.96,55.31, Rioja (La),25.31,11.18, Ceuta and Melilla,67.42,59.05, MALES, Total,64.97,55.70, Andalucía,87.65,68.73, Aragón,42.40,25.06, Asturias (Principado de),51.81,52.45, Balears (Illes),33.43,18.58, Canarias,88.44,48.53, Cantabria,56.46,32.91, Castilla y León,79.56,52.41, Castilla-La Mancha,72.82,46.00, Cataluña,49.13,47.22, Comunitat Valenciana,39.51,18.10, Extremadura,168.00,0.00, Galicia,42.98,41.83, Madrid (Comunidad de),80.29,52.01, Murcia (Región de),41.44,47.74, Navarra (Comunidad Foral de),69.64,60.80, País Vasco,40.70,50.20, Rioja (La),19.77,3.46, Ceuta and Melilla,6.00,0.00, FEMALES, Total,70.73,52.20, Andalucía,89.60,59.03, Aragón,46.76,39.30, Asturias (Principado de),51.09,19.56, Balears (Illes),57.67,38.47, Canarias,64.27,35.89, Cantabria,71.78,42.32, Castilla y León,90.84,59.29, Castilla-La Mancha,76.29,43.07, Cataluña,71.06,56.65, Comunitat Valenciana,50.62,39.99, Extremadura,92.19,63.37, Galicia,46.36,38.26, Madrid (Comunidad de),81.05,52.98, Murcia (Región de),65.91,50.70, Navarra (Comunidad Foral de),56.88,42.83, País Vasco,73.45,55.10, Rioja (La),34.67,13.28, Ceuta and Melilla,74.84,58.28, Notes: 1) Population aged 16 years old and over that cares for persons with disabilities The symbol '.' shall be deemed as data which cannot be provided since it may be affected by sampling errors. The symbol '..' shall be deemed as data which is not collected. The symbol '...' shall be deemed as an 'error of division by zero'. Source: Ministry of Health and Consumption and INE