Equality, non-discrimination and relationship with justice Homeless persons according to whether they have been victims of a crime or assault and type of crime or assault by nationality Unidades: persons ,Total,Have been victims of a crime or assault,- Have been attacked,- Have been robbed of money, belongings, documentation (passport, ID card, etc),- Have suffered some type of sexual assault,- Have been scammed,- Have been insulted or threatened,- Others,Have not been victims of any crime or aggression,Not given, Total,28.552,14.146,5.516,9.221,1.203,5.401,9.747,113,13.934,409, Spanish,14.316,7.938,3.417,5.378,627,3.281,5.948,70,6.075,257, Foreign,14.236,6.207,2.099,3.843,576,2.120,3.800,42,7.859,151, - European Union,1.818,1.014,330,770,119,349,601,6,792,13, - Rest of Europe,555,301,60,225,7,78,184,6,248,6, - Africa,7.587,2.851,1.161,1.798,137,917,1.796,14,4.654,63, - America,3.690,1.703,424,896,133,681,1.068,16,1.944,43, - Other nationality,587,339,124,154,180,96,151,0,222,26, Notas: Fuente: National Statistics Institute