Operating incomes Current income absolute values by type of income and dependence on the institute Units: euros (thousands) ,Total,1. Religious Institute,2. Lay Persons Institute, 1. Student Income Undergraduate Studies,1,759,703,985,839,773,863, 2. Income of Master's and Doctorate students,592,915,132,457,460,458, 3. Student income Non-official studies,218,617,84,609,134,007, 4. TOTAL Revenues from students by Teaching (1+2+3),2,571,234,1,202,906,1,368,329, 5. Income from Extension Activities,23,349,16,902,6,447, 6. Revenues from Complementary Activities,733,255,478, 7. Income CS Transportation,272,0,272, 8. Income CS Dining,154,143,12, 9. Income CS Residence,7,049,3,001,4,048, 10. Income CS Other CS,11,895,2,780,9,115, 11. Total Complementary Services,19,370,5,923,13,447, 12. TOTAL student income (4+5+6+11),2,614,687,1,225,986,1,388,701, 13. Revenues from current public subsidies,79,523,19,698,59,825, 14. Income from Current Private Subsidies,56,124,33,875,22,249, 15. TOTAL Income from Current subsides (13+14),135,647,53,572,82,075, 16. Other current income,125,725,68,806,56,919, 17. TOTAL CURRENT REVENUES (12+15+16),2,876,060,1,348,364,1,527,695, Notes: Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística