INEbase / List of place name: Population of the Continuous Municipal Register by Population Unit / Search results

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3 results found

List of place name: Population of the Continuous Municipal Register by Population Unit at 1st January
Province Municipality Population unit  Year 2023  Year 2022  Year 2021  Year 2020  Year 2019  Year 2018  Year 2017  Year 2016  Year 2015  Year 2014  Year 2013  Year 2012  Year 2011  Year 2010  Year 2009  Year 2008  Year 2007  Year 2006  Year 2005  Year 2004  Year 2003  Year 2002  Year 2001  Year 2000
Total population Males Females Total population Males Females Total population Males Females Total population Males Females Total population Males Females Total population Males Females Total population Males Females Total population Males Females Total population Males Females Total population Males Females Total population Males Females Total population Males Females Total population Males Females Total population Males Females Total population Males Females Total population Males Females Total population Males Females Total population Males Females Total population Males Females Total population Males Females Total population Males Females Total population Males Females Total population Males Females Total population Males Females
31 Navarra 144 Larraun 00 02 00 ALDATZ 107 51 56 109 50 59 116 51 65 116 51 65 120 54 66 122 54 68 123 53 70 126 52 74 128 54 74 130 55 75 131 56 75 125 53 72 124 52 72 122 51 71 124 51 73 122 51 71 123 56 67 128 60 68 131 62 69 127 61 66 172 84 88 117 58 59 115 56 59 118 58 60
31 Navarra 144 Larraun 00 02 01 ALDATZ 99 47 52 101 46 55 108 47 61 109 47 62 113 50 63 114 49 65 115 48 67 119 48 71 120 49 71 122 50 72 124 52 72 118 49 69 118 49 69 118 48 70 120 48 72 118 48 70 119 53 66 123 57 66 125 59 66 121 58 63 113 52 61 107 52 55 111 53 58 113 55 58
31 Navarra 144 Larraun 00 02 99 *DISEMINADO* ALDATZ 8 4 4 8 4 4 8 4 4 7 4 3 7 4 3 8 5 3 8 5 3 7 4 3 8 5 3 8 5 3 7 4 3 7 4 3 6 3 3 4 3 1 4 3 1 4 3 1 4 3 1 5 3 2 6 3 3 6 3 3 59 32 27 10 6 4 4 3 1 5 3 2