INEbase / List of place name: Population of the Continuous Municipal Register by Population Unit / Search results

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4 results found

List of place name: Population of the Continuous Municipal Register by Population Unit at 1st January
Province Municipality Population unit  Year 2023  Year 2022  Year 2021  Year 2020  Year 2019  Year 2018  Year 2017  Year 2016  Year 2015  Year 2014  Year 2013  Year 2012  Year 2011  Year 2010  Year 2009  Year 2008  Year 2007  Year 2006  Year 2005  Year 2004  Year 2003  Year 2002  Year 2001  Year 2000
Total population Males Females Total population Males Females Total population Males Females Total population Males Females Total population Males Females Total population Males Females Total population Males Females Total population Males Females Total population Males Females Total population Males Females Total population Males Females Total population Males Females Total population Males Females Total population Males Females Total population Males Females Total population Males Females Total population Males Females Total population Males Females Total population Males Females Total population Males Females Total population Males Females Total population Males Females Total population Males Females Total population Males Females
38 Santa Cruz de Tenerife 030 Puntallana 00 05 00 TENAGUA 610 320 290 605 315 290 605 318 287 600 314 286 563 291 272 567 296 271 552 286 266 559 283 276 553 285 268 549 287 262 547 282 265 582 294 288 572 295 277 563 285 278 591 302 289 558 284 274 555 280 275 545 269 276 541 268 273 529 267 262 499 263 236 472 253 219 447 243 204 417 221 196
38 Santa Cruz de Tenerife 030 Puntallana 00 05 99 *DISEMINADO* TENAGUA 17 10 7 16 9 7 16 9 7 16 9 7 16 9 7 16 9 7 16 9 7 16 9 7 16 9 7 16 9 7 16 9 7 17 10 7 17 10 7 21 10 11 22 10 12 26 12 14 26 12 14 34 15 19 32 14 18 37 16 21 27 14 13 19 10 9 20 10 10 186 101 85
38 Santa Cruz de Tenerife 030 Puntallana 00 11 00 LLANO TENAGUA 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 D.N.E. D.N.E. D.N.E. D.N.E. D.N.E. D.N.E. D.N.E. D.N.E. D.N.E. D.N.E. D.N.E. D.N.E. D.N.E. D.N.E. D.N.E. D.N.E. D.N.E. D.N.E. D.N.E. D.N.E. D.N.E.
38 Santa Cruz de Tenerife 030 Puntallana 00 11 99 *DISEMINADO* LLANO TENAGUA 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 D.N.E. D.N.E. D.N.E. D.N.E. D.N.E. D.N.E. D.N.E. D.N.E. D.N.E. D.N.E. D.N.E. D.N.E. D.N.E. D.N.E. D.N.E. D.N.E. D.N.E. D.N.E. D.N.E. D.N.E. D.N.E.


The D.N.E. characters indicate that the Population Unit did not exist that year