<%@ include file="includes.html" %> Population and housing censuses 2001  
   Explanatory note on data on households and family nucleus    

So that the attainment of the information on households is carried out in a simple manner and is the most useful possible, and the interpretation of the results is adequate, it is convenient that non specialised users consult the glossary of definitions on family, households, family nucleus, single-parent households and man or woman that form a nucleus.

Moreover, included here are some clarifications regarding the different types of children:

  • The number of children in the household, for each specific person, refers to the number of children that cohabit with that person, irrespective of whether or not they belong to that family nucleus.
  • The number of children in the family nucleus refers to the persons that cohabit with any one of their parents and belong to the same family nucleus, that is, children that are single without couple and without their own children. In family nucleus that are not single-parent units this variable includes both the children that the couple have in common as well as those which are exclusive to one of the members.
  • The number of children in common are those children of both members of the couple that belong to their nucleus, and they will coincide with the number of children of the nucleus when neither the man nor the woman have children with a different partner.
  • The number of children of the man or woman that form the nucleus refers to all the children of that person that belongs to its nucleus, both when they are shared with their partner or when they are exclusively theirs. It will coincide with the children of the nucleus if all the children of the couple are in common or if the nucleus is single-parent.
  • Lastly, the number of exclusive children of the man or the woman that form the nucleus are the children of that person that are not the children of their partner, and which belong to the nucleus.


Lets assume that you wish to obtain a table with the average number of children of women in heterosexual relationships, by the age of the woman.

With the following steps you will be able to resolve your query:

1.- Selection of the ambit: National
2.- Selection of the group: Couples and other family nucleus
3.- Structure of the table: Age of the woman that forms the nucleus (in rows or columns)
4.- Filters: Type of couple (according to gender)=couple of a different gender
From the table that is generated
5.- Change the unit of measurement: Nš of nucleus by average number of children of the woman

Final note: The results will not be taking into account the children which are exclusive to the partner of the woman. If you wish to include all the children of the couple, be they in common, exclusive to the woman or exclusive to the man, it is necessary to choose as the unit of measurement the Average number of children in the nucleus.

Lastly, it is worth highlighting that the data on relationships can also be approached using the person as an analysis variable. This information will be available shortly. At present only the data on households and family nucleus will be published.

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