Main dwellings according to number of dwellings in the building by type of municipality

  TOTAL 1 2 3 4 5 to 9 10 to 19 20 to 39 40 or more
TOTAL 14184026 4407086 853790 334436 310298 1724436 2949690 2484760 1119530
Capital with more than 500,000 inhabitants 2574061 117732 32003 24593 33358 296362 751939 842198 475876
Capital with less than 500,001 inhabitants 2332522 263554 62319 42183 50727 352563 703863 596985 260328
Suburbs 1940118 617420 115697 42015 41315 242497 422838 322665 135671
Rest, with more than 20,000 inhabitants 2952902 723172 177714 84559 76564 419992 701999 566778 202124
Rest, from 5,001 to 20,000 inhabitants 2353036 1170641 240781 86870 71617 301983 302962 137391 40791
Rest, from 1,001 to 5,000 inhabitants 1447309 1016620 170881 44093 31018 100218 62066 17910 4503
Rest, less than 1001 inhabitants 584078 497947 54395 10123 5699 10821 4023 833 237