Households according to type of municipality by type of household (detailed)

  TOTAL Capital with more than 500.000 inhabitants Capital with less than 500.001 inhabitants Suburbs Rest, with more than 20.000 inhabitants Rest, from 5.001 to 20.000 inhabitants Rest, from 1.001 to 5.000 inhabitants Rest, less than 1.001 inhabitants
TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL 14187169 2574192 2332778 1940299 2954021 2353469 1448150 584260
Single person households TOTAL TOTAL 2876572 599852 469270 324756 522923 453664 334312 171795
Single person households TOTAL 2876572 599852 469270 324756 522923 453664 334312 171795
Single person households 2876572 599852 469270 324756 522923 453664 334312 171795
Multi person households that do not form a family TOTAL TOTAL 139226 38733 25352 15641 28694 18681 8733 3392
Do not form a family TOTAL 139226 38733 25352 15641 28694 18681 8733 3392
Do not form a family 139226 38733 25352 15641 28694 18681 8733 3392
A family without other persons TOTAL TOTAL 10857013 1864002 1787597 1555815 2329810 1834336 1083598 401855
Without nucleus TOTAL 395362 84858 68933 42725 66890 60085 46582 25289
Without nucleus 395362 84858 68933 42725 66890 60085 46582 25289
Just one nucleus TOTAL 9147045 1582127 1508908 1343802 1998190 1525599 879807 308612
Partner without children 2448542 448368 361141 337041 514951 405521 267892 113628
Partner with children 5550761 894893 924733 857569 1254111 951218 513737 154500
Father with children 209023 37927 36473 27456 39806 33892 22410 11059
Mother with children 938719 200939 186561 121736 189322 134968 75768 29425
A nucleus with other related persons TOTAL 970369 154590 155216 125183 193113 175042 114726 52499
Partner without children 262699 43300 38844 32495 49401 45327 35059 18273
Partner with children 521026 73732 80735 70161 106685 100849 62627 26237
Father with children 36706 6112 6031 4458 7491 6298 4065 2251
Mother with children 149938 31446 29606 18069 29536 22568 12975 5738
Two or more nuclei without other related persons TOTAL 281118 34654 44278 36157 58871 60547 34441 12170
Two or more nuclei without other related persons 281118 34654 44278 36157 58871 60547 34441 12170
Two or more nuclei with other related persons TOTAL 63119 7773 10262 7948 12746 13063 8042 3285
Two or more nuclei with other related persons 63119 7773 10262 7948 12746 13063 8042 3285
A family, with other non-related persons TOTAL TOTAL 250059 56813 40815 34737 56805 37294 17526 6069
Without nucleus TOTAL 36656 9327 6084 4422 8305 5182 2438 898
Without nucleus 36656 9327 6084 4422 8305 5182 2438 898
Just one nucleus TOTAL 152244 33469 25173 22160 34419 22983 10464 3576
Partner without children 39011 9135 6254 4975 8763 5861 2967 1056
Partner with children 65109 13111 10103 10474 15006 10354 4566 1495
Father with children 12948 2579 2089 1855 2932 2139 981 373
Mother with children 35176 8644 6727 4856 7718 4629 1950 652
A nucleus with other related persons TOTAL 44727 10354 7035 5964 10234 6647 3326 1167
Partner without children 12234 3002 1862 1488 2705 1839 996 342
Partner with children 18170 3934 2680 2631 4274 2761 1405 485
Father with children 4562 882 711 569 1136 759 370 135
Mother with children 9761 2536 1782 1276 2119 1288 555 205
Two or more nuclei without other related persons TOTAL 10367 2043 1639 1367 2456 1686 877 299
Two or more nuclei without other related persons 10367 2043 1639 1367 2456 1686 877 299
Two or more nuclei with other related persons TOTAL 6065 1620 884 824 1391 796 421 129
Two or more nuclei with other related persons 6065 1620 884 824 1391 796 421 129
Two or more families without other persons TOTAL TOTAL 46711 8813 7493 7001 11822 7493 3169 920
Two or more families without other persons TOTAL 46711 8813 7493 7001 11822 7493 3169 920
Two or more families without other persons 46711 8813 7493 7001 11822 7493 3169 920
Two or more families with other non-related persons TOTAL TOTAL 17588 5979 2251 2349 3967 2001 812 229
Two or more families with other non-related persons TOTAL 17588 5979 2251 2349 3967 2001 812 229
Two or more families with other non-related persons 17588 5979 2251 2349 3967 2001 812 229