Households according to number of rooms in the dwelling by type of household (detailed)

  TOTAL 1 room 2 rooms 3 rooms 4 rooms 5 rooms 6 rooms 7 rooms 8 rooms 9 rooms 10 or more rooms
TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL 14187169 77431 346131 1360974 2838537 5413152 2811754 742915 321495 131370 143410
Single person households TOTAL TOTAL 2876572 46727 156627 416093 738836 954628 381520 100100 43519 18262 20260
Single person households TOTAL 2876572 46727 156627 416093 738836 954628 381520 100100 43519 18262 20260
Single person households 2876572 46727 156627 416093 738836 954628 381520 100100 43519 18262 20260
Multi person households that do not form a family TOTAL TOTAL 139226 2710 8202 20274 34448 44880 18195 4690 2426 1155 2246
Do not form a family TOTAL 139226 2710 8202 20274 34448 44880 18195 4690 2426 1155 2246
Do not form a family 139226 2710 8202 20274 34448 44880 18195 4690 2426 1155 2246
A family without other persons TOTAL TOTAL 10857013 25910 171573 889048 2000769 4302168 2356587 621519 267090 107868 114481
Without nucleus TOTAL 395362 2273 12130 44764 89386 137480 68311 21326 10057 4258 5377
Without nucleus 395362 2273 12130 44764 89386 137480 68311 21326 10057 4258 5377
Just one nucleus TOTAL 9147045 21440 143673 746864 1696752 3709074 1979165 491599 201970 78820 77688
Partner without children 2448542 10961 62004 250506 558864 969113 421414 102771 41826 15856 15227
Partner with children 5550761 6588 57211 384130 899256 2293070 1337574 332312 135833 52965 51822
Father with children 209023 745 4317 19610 40604 79058 42507 11878 5536 2257 2511
Mother with children 938719 3146 20141 92618 198028 367833 177670 44638 18775 7742 8128
A nucleus with other related persons TOTAL 970369 1711 12290 73914 162708 342294 227058 76802 37371 16458 19763
Partner without children 262699 560 4363 23133 51180 95113 54958 17717 8264 3461 3950
Partner with children 521026 647 4494 32842 75834 179993 134062 46946 23313 10394 12501
Father with children 36706 113 773 3709 6933 12690 7281 2566 1291 595 755
Mother with children 149938 391 2660 14230 28761 54498 30757 9573 4503 2008 2557
Two or more nuclei without other related persons TOTAL 281118 373 2742 19154 42795 94394 67485 25140 13827 6381 8827
Two or more nuclei without other related persons 281118 373 2742 19154 42795 94394 67485 25140 13827 6381 8827
Two or more nuclei with other related persons TOTAL 63119 113 738 4352 9128 18926 14568 6652 3865 1951 2826
Two or more nuclei with other related persons 63119 113 738 4352 9128 18926 14568 6652 3865 1951 2826
A family, with other non-related persons TOTAL TOTAL 250059 1743 7843 28448 51208 87475 43951 13629 7070 3415 5277
Without nucleus TOTAL 36656 451 1615 5162 8513 12155 5417 1541 751 316 735
Without nucleus 36656 451 1615 5162 8513 12155 5417 1541 751 316 735
Just one nucleus TOTAL 152244 977 4493 16295 30344 54624 27636 8468 4315 2124 2968
Partner without children 39011 414 1703 4950 8896 13826 5875 1618 804 387 538
Partner with children 65109 279 1390 5849 11464 23091 13188 4525 2397 1215 1711
Father with children 12948 90 404 1454 2713 4615 2335 669 328 140 200
Mother with children 35176 194 996 4042 7271 13092 6238 1656 786 382 519
A nucleus with other related persons TOTAL 44727 260 1362 5337 9177 15269 7755 2507 1380 658 1022
Partner without children 12234 89 432 1590 2676 4284 1877 587 306 162 231
Partner with children 18170 74 497 1965 3469 6058 3437 1166 651 335 518
Father with children 4562 40 154 623 956 1529 756 208 156 54 86
Mother with children 9761 57 279 1159 2076 3398 1685 546 267 107 187
Two or more nuclei without other related persons TOTAL 10367 31 225 957 1924 3493 2048 721 420 209 339
Two or more nuclei without other related persons 10367 31 225 957 1924 3493 2048 721 420 209 339
Two or more nuclei with other related persons TOTAL 6065 24 148 697 1250 1934 1095 392 204 108 213
Two or more nuclei with other related persons 6065 24 148 697 1250 1934 1095 392 204 108 213
Two or more families without other persons TOTAL TOTAL 46711 209 1209 4710 9107 17648 8943 2363 1106 547 869
Two or more families without other persons TOTAL 46711 209 1209 4710 9107 17648 8943 2363 1106 547 869
Two or more families without other persons 46711 209 1209 4710 9107 17648 8943 2363 1106 547 869
Two or more families with other non-related persons TOTAL TOTAL 17588 132 677 2401 4169 6353 2558 614 284 123 277
Two or more families with other non-related persons TOTAL 17588 132 677 2401 4169 6353 2558 614 284 123 277
Two or more families with other non-related persons 17588 132 677 2401 4169 6353 2558 614 284 123 277