Population in family dwellings according to sex and age by type of household (detailed)

  TOTAL Male Female
TOTAL Less than 16 16-64 65 or more TOTAL Less than 16 16-64 65 or more TOTAL Less than 16 16-64 65 or more
TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL 40595861 6371956 27426969 6796936 19918896 3271603 13762703 2884590 20676965 3100353 13664266 3912346
Single person households TOTAL TOTAL 2876572 0 1517635 1358937 1180795 0 865329 315466 1695777 0 652306 1043471
Single person households TOTAL 2876572 0 1517635 1358937 1180795 0 865329 315466 1695777 0 652306 1043471
Single person households 2876572 0 1517635 1358937 1180795 0 865329 315466 1695777 0 652306 1043471
Multi person households that do not form a family TOTAL TOTAL 317133 8080 254402 54651 167018 4106 144407 18505 150115 3974 109995 36146
Do not form a family TOTAL 317133 8080 254402 54651 167018 4106 144407 18505 150115 3974 109995 36146
Do not form a family 317133 8080 254402 54651 167018 4106 144407 18505 150115 3974 109995 36146
A family without other persons TOTAL TOTAL 35812929 6071258 24491988 5249683 17765130 3117369 12152750 2495011 18047799 2953889 12339238 2754672
Without nucleus TOTAL 879716 28961 523380 327375 381904 14455 284132 83317 497812 14506 239248 244058
Without nucleus 879716 28961 523380 327375 381904 14455 284132 83317 497812 14506 239248 244058
Just one nucleus TOTAL 28901434 5172137 20068751 3660546 14519211 2657682 9964327 1897202 14382223 2514455 10104424 1763344
Partner without children 4897084 22 2627506 2269556 2451467 3 1231847 1219617 2445617 19 1395659 1049939
Partner with children 21105121 4707359 15399567 998195 10884388 2419296 7863872 601220 10220733 2288063 7535695 396975
Father with children 518370 85847 359406 73117 383444 44647 266166 72631 134926 41200 93240 486
Mother with children 2380859 378909 1682272 319678 799912 193736 602442 3734 1580947 185173 1079830 315944
A nucleus with other related persons TOTAL 4062612 482144 2673674 906794 1915981 246188 1334370 335423 2146631 235956 1339304 571371
Partner without children 832202 26949 456218 349035 404844 13572 228949 162323 427358 13377 227269 186712
Partner with children 2543063 355399 1764233 423431 1232706 181540 906318 144848 1310357 173859 857915 278583
Father with children 138215 22111 91767 24337 83854 12010 59940 11904 54361 10101 31827 12433
Mother with children 549132 77685 361456 109991 194577 39066 139163 16348 354555 38619 222293 93643
Two or more nuclei without other related persons TOTAL 1540188 300622 952698 286868 743180 154258 440064 148858 797008 146364 512634 138010
Two or more nuclei without other related persons 1540188 300622 952698 286868 743180 154258 440064 148858 797008 146364 512634 138010
Two or more nuclei with other related persons TOTAL 428979 87394 273485 68100 204854 44786 129857 30211 224125 42608 143628 37889
Two or more nuclei with other related persons 428979 87394 273485 68100 204854 44786 129857 30211 224125 42608 143628 37889
A family, with other non-related persons TOTAL TOTAL 1144719 195272 839374 110073 578544 100061 433943 44540 566175 95211 405431 65533
Without nucleus TOTAL 141061 13217 110276 17568 77062 6733 64875 5454 63999 6484 45401 12114
Without nucleus 141061 13217 110276 17568 77062 6733 64875 5454 63999 6484 45401 12114
Just one nucleus TOTAL 629302 110961 462212 56129 313906 56957 232774 24175 315396 54004 229438 31954
Partner without children 127781 3837 99018 24926 66352 1958 52236 12158 61429 1879 46782 12768
Partner with children 326047 73785 234752 17510 165195 37722 119797 7676 160852 36063 114955 9834
Father with children 47833 10651 33866 3316 30835 7005 21856 1974 16998 3646 12010 1342
Mother with children 127641 22688 94576 10377 51524 10272 38885 2367 76117 12416 55691 8010
A nucleus with other related persons TOTAL 251245 44433 181215 25597 126405 22783 93916 9706 124840 21650 87299 15891
Partner without children 59748 3982 46921 8845 31450 2073 25323 4054 28298 1909 21598 4791
Partner with children 117369 25428 82626 9315 59590 13045 43147 3398 57779 12383 39479 5917
Father with children 24698 5316 17365 2017 14858 2978 11044 836 9840 2338 6321 1181
Mother with children 49430 9707 34303 5420 20507 4687 14402 1418 28923 5020 19901 4002
Two or more nuclei without other related persons TOTAL 70035 15090 48042 6903 34637 7737 23417 3483 35398 7353 24625 3420
Two or more nuclei without other related persons 70035 15090 48042 6903 34637 7737 23417 3483 35398 7353 24625 3420
Two or more nuclei with other related persons TOTAL 53076 11571 37629 3876 26534 5851 18961 1722 26542 5720 18668 2154
Two or more nuclei with other related persons 53076 11571 37629 3876 26534 5851 18961 1722 26542 5720 18668 2154
Two or more families without other persons TOTAL TOTAL 293920 71634 202963 19323 145513 36785 99495 9233 148407 34849 103468 10090
Two or more families without other persons TOTAL 293920 71634 202963 19323 145513 36785 99495 9233 148407 34849 103468 10090
Two or more families without other persons 293920 71634 202963 19323 145513 36785 99495 9233 148407 34849 103468 10090
Two or more families with other non-related persons TOTAL TOTAL 150588 25712 120607 4269 81896 13282 66779 1835 68692 12430 53828 2434
Two or more families with other non-related persons TOTAL 150588 25712 120607 4269 81896 13282 66779 1835 68692 12430 53828 2434
Two or more families with other non-related persons 150588 25712 120607 4269 81896 13282 66779 1835 68692 12430 53828 2434