Persons aged 65 years old or older according to type of cohabitation by sex and age

  TOTAL Alone Alone with their partner With one female child With one male child With 2 or more children Another form
TOTAL TOTAL 6796936 1358937 2269556 949346 976234 552517 690346
From 65 to 69 2071821 256643 719645 268522 345280 289050 192681
From 70 to 74 1823131 319585 706841 216947 263393 143461 172904
From 75 to 79 1410131 335084 512664 175353 178115 67899 141016
From 80 to 84 841808 248263 234443 131808 102231 30205 94858
From 85 to 89 446662 141286 79214 95837 57785 14421 58119
90 or more 203383 58076 16749 60879 29430 7481 30768
Male TOTAL 2884590 315466 1219617 367727 423481 292159 266140
From 65 to 69 967324 82761 348095 124625 161360 160118 90365
From 70 to 74 816247 79100 367402 95451 121617 77900 74777
From 75 to 79 589125 68203 290448 68027 76525 34122 51800
From 80 to 84 310830 45521 145484 41031 37912 12817 28065
From 85 to 89 144200 26838 55057 24779 18058 5077 14391
90 or more 56864 13043 13131 13814 8009 2125 6742
Female TOTAL 3912346 1043471 1049939 581619 552753 260358 424206
From 65 to 69 1104497 173882 371550 143897 183920 128932 102316
From 70 to 74 1006884 240485 339439 121496 141776 65561 98127
From 75 to 79 821006 266881 222216 107326 101590 33777 89216
From 80 to 84 530978 202742 88959 90777 64319 17388 66793
From 85 to 89 302462 114448 24157 71058 39727 9344 43728
90 or more 146519 45033 3618 47065 21421 5356 24026