Persons aged between 16 and 34 years old according to type of cohabitation by sex and age

  TOTAL Alone Without a partner and with one of their parents With their partner, without children nor parents With their partner and 1 child, without their parents With their partner and 2 children, without their parents With their partner and three children, without their parents With their partner and 4 or more children, without their parents With their partner and/or a child and one of their parents Without a partner and without their parents
TOTAL TOTAL 12052043 553132 7313971 1307625 1064350 648786 95552 19622 123376 925629
From 16 to 19 2013999 17618 1887471 9545 5824 772 92 10 3637 89030
From 20 to 23 2490200 64085 2085744 85878 46208 10796 1584 288 14067 181550
24 687356 27754 510929 53015 23724 6907 1104 239 5258 58426
25 706027 33139 486622 75392 31375 10283 1654 323 6109 61130
26 705928 38273 439332 99628 41823 14813 2347 523 7113 62076
27 698840 42097 386275 121175 55041 20717 3180 749 8011 61595
28 690637 45178 332747 136176 72397 28788 4465 969 8917 61000
29 689573 48027 285144 145296 93691 40233 6050 1287 9762 60083
30 681783 48873 240929 141981 114652 55839 7984 1752 10551 59222
31 671162 48277 202246 130048 132248 75081 10888 2265 11366 58743
32 667893 47613 172610 116826 144368 99605 14255 2958 12126 57532
33 673774 46536 150725 102911 151697 128692 18682 3596 12890 58045
34 674871 45662 133197 89754 151302 156260 23267 4663 13569 57197
Male TOTAL 6150142 330213 3960281 612664 456469 232058 31326 6002 45374 475755
From 16 to 19 1032049 9364 973862 2044 976 95 5 1 1173 44529
From 20 to 23 1273677 36261 1093536 25388 13507 2494 329 41 5184 96937
24 351803 16205 274276 17779 7891 1799 242 41 1951 31619
25 360593 19259 264395 27212 10885 2876 443 94 2263 33166
26 361086 22481 242964 39415 14961 4198 646 149 2652 33620
27 356046 24900 216786 51036 20056 6166 881 200 3014 33007
28 352628 26943 190130 61921 27610 8826 1306 250 3316 32326
29 351744 28635 165458 70188 37211 12964 1824 377 3659 31428
30 347243 29670 141658 72478 47935 18420 2507 536 3815 30224
31 342163 29824 120597 69665 58270 26071 3535 702 4294 29205
32 338874 29233 103803 64839 67000 36183 4778 893 4477 27668
33 341375 28783 91505 58637 73794 49293 6462 1175 4741 26985
34 340861 28655 81311 52062 76373 62673 8368 1543 4835 25041
Female TOTAL 5901901 222919 3353690 694961 607881 416728 64226 13620 78002 449874
From 16 to 19 981950 8254 913609 7501 4848 677 87 9 2464 44501
From 20 to 23 1216523 27824 992208 60490 32701 8302 1255 247 8883 84613
24 335553 11549 236653 35236 15833 5108 862 198 3307 26807
25 345434 13880 222227 48180 20490 7407 1211 229 3846 27964
26 344842 15792 196368 60213 26862 10615 1701 374 4461 28456
27 342794 17197 169489 70139 34985 14551 2299 549 4997 28588
28 338009 18235 142617 74255 44787 19962 3159 719 5601 28674
29 337829 19392 119686 75108 56480 27269 4226 910 6103 28655
30 334540 19203 99271 69503 66717 37419 5477 1216 6736 28998
31 328999 18453 81649 60383 73978 49010 7353 1563 7072 29538
32 329019 18380 68807 51987 77368 63422 9477 2065 7649 29864
33 332399 17753 59220 44274 77903 79399 12220 2421 8149 31060
34 334010 17007 51886 37692 74929 93587 14899 3120 8734 32156