Persons between 35 and 64 years old according to type of cohabitation by sex and age

  TOTAL Without a partner or children With a partner but with no children Without a partner with children With partner and children
TOTAL TOTAL Without a partner or children TOTAL With a partner but with no children TOTAL With 1 child With 2 or more children TOTAL With 1 child With 2 children With 3 children With 4 or more children
TOTAL TOTAL 15374926 2597919 2597919 1862423 1862423 1006842 513938 492904 9907742 3222588 4851028 1431142 402984
From 35 to 39 3284570 793406 793406 314010 314010 168187 92903 75284 2008967 670278 1095796 201324 41569
From 40 to 44 3020664 532894 532894 200375 200375 184309 87862 96447 2103086 528795 1200498 301737 72056
From 45 to 49 2602822 384736 384736 177475 177475 176668 79058 97610 1863943 455641 988295 329507 90500
From 50 to 54 2425768 326596 326596 241298 241298 171799 79458 92341 1686075 507083 777067 305963 95962
From 55 to 59 2202650 293616 293616 390366 390366 161456 84936 76520 1357212 567909 517870 201417 70016
From 60 to 64 1838452 266671 266671 538899 538899 144423 89721 54702 888459 492882 271502 91194 32881
Male TOTAL 7612561 1511217 1511217 904948 904948 201767 112877 88890 4994629 1615556 2467739 712587 198747
From 35 to 39 1651075 497675 497675 183024 183024 31824 20634 11190 938552 349990 492700 80451 15411
From 40 to 44 1506563 328875 328875 111056 111056 34206 19112 15094 1032426 270611 594759 136479 30577
From 45 to 49 1295926 230490 230490 89118 89118 35132 18325 16807 941186 225185 513080 160497 42424
From 50 to 54 1198931 185867 185867 107256 107256 36478 18202 18276 869330 239347 418174 162340 49469
From 55 to 59 1077511 150998 150998 168742 168742 34330 18369 15961 723441 276679 290148 116436 40178
From 60 to 64 882555 117312 117312 245752 245752 29797 18235 11562 489694 253744 158878 56384 20688
Female TOTAL 7762365 1086702 1086702 957475 957475 805075 401061 404014 4913113 1607032 2383289 718555 204237
From 35 to 39 1633495 295731 295731 130986 130986 136363 72269 64094 1070415 320288 603096 120873 26158
From 40 to 44 1514101 204019 204019 89319 89319 150103 68750 81353 1070660 258184 605739 165258 41479
From 45 to 49 1306896 154246 154246 88357 88357 141536 60733 80803 922757 230456 475215 169010 48076
From 50 to 54 1226837 140729 140729 134042 134042 135321 61256 74065 816745 267736 358893 143623 46493
From 55 to 59 1125139 142618 142618 221624 221624 127126 66567 60559 633771 291230 227722 84981 29838
From 60 to 64 955897 149359 149359 293147 293147 114626 71486 43140 398765 239138 112624 34810 12193