Employed persons 16 years of age and over in family dwellings according to the number of hours worked by
occupation (large groups). 02-Albacete

  TOTAL 1-15 16-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46 or more TOTAL Total People
TOTAL 100,00% 2,34% 7,31% 5,78% 66,42% 5,86% 12,29% 0 133204
0 - Armed Forces 100,00% 1,44% 1,67% 10,86% 77,98% 2,35% 5,69% 0 1317
1 - Management of companies and public administrations 100,00% 1,56% 2,65% 2,99% 56,43% 9,16% 27,20% 0 9668
2 - Scientific and intellectual professionals and technicians 100,00% 2,83% 21,73% 17,37% 48,48% 2,95% 6,64% 0 14504
3 - Support technicians and professionals 100,00% 2,30% 5,83% 7,68% 69,83% 4,93% 9,43% 0 11204
4 - Administrative type employees 100,00% 2,03% 6,92% 10,86% 71,40% 3,85% 4,94% 0 9891
5 - Catering, personnel, protection and commercial vendors workers 100,00% 2,91% 9,90% 5,38% 59,76% 6,40% 15,64% 0 17874
6 - Employees qualified in agriculture and fishing 100,00% 1,13% 3,55% 3,04% 57,99% 6,60% 27,68% 0 8194
7 - Craftspersons and employees qualified for the manufacturing, construction and mining industries, except installation and machinery operators 100,00% 1,45% 2,22% 1,72% 78,02% 7,20% 9,40% 0 28973
8 - Installations and machinery operators 100,00% 1,66% 3,15% 1,72% 74,60% 6,33% 12,54% 0 17007
9 - Unqualified workers 100,00% 5,27% 11,84% 5,54% 64,18% 4,65% 8,52% 0 14572