Activity and unemployment rates in persons with partners according to sex and type of partner by age

. 02-Albacete

  TOTAL Male Female
TOTAL Legally married couple De facto couple (both single) Another type of de facto couple TOTAL Legally married couple De facto couple (both single) Another type of de facto couple
Rate of activity Rate of unemployment Rate of activity Rate of unemployment Rate of activity Rate of unemployment Rate of activity Rate of unemployment Rate of activity Rate of unemployment Rate of activity Rate of unemployment Rate of activity Rate of unemployment Rate of activity Rate of unemployment Rate of activity Rate of unemployment
TOTAL 49,97% 10,66% 68,02% 7,07% 67,49% 6,84% 93,69% 14,29% 77,82% 11,35% 31,91% 18,32% 31,02% 18,06% 71,60% 23,94% 51,45% 21,07%
From 16 to 19 56,73% 36,08% 83,87% 34,62% 93,33% 35,71% 75,00% 33,33% . . 50,71% 36,62% 51,32% 38,46% 55,77% 34,48% 25,00% 33,33%
From 20 to 24 71,23% 24,86% 98,27% 16,87% 99,00% 16,41% 96,82% 16,45% 95,45% 28,57% 60,11% 30,22% 57,74% 30,50% 67,99% 29,63% 67,31% 28,57%
From 25 to 29 76,07% 15,64% 98,90% 7,76% 99,34% 7,02% 95,59% 13,85% 96,59% 10,59% 61,98% 23,39% 60,74% 23,40% 77,42% 21,97% 69,44% 27,00%
From 30 to 34 74,46% 11,86% 99,00% 5,44% 99,14% 5,14% 96,10% 10,47% 97,65% 10,24% 53,99% 21,68% 53,14% 21,61% 78,22% 20,45% 67,16% 25,93%
From 35 to 44 73,07% 9,35% 98,34% 5,43% 98,38% 5,17% 96,88% 16,53% 97,45% 11,33% 47,78% 17,41% 47,09% 17,30% 71,29% 23,61% 69,00% 17,85%
From 45 to 54 64,40% 8,50% 94,73% 6,87% 94,76% 6,78% 89,83% 15,09% 94,18% 10,18% 33,36% 13,24% 32,95% 13,06% 65,63% 19,05% 56,09% 19,38%
From 55 to 64 41,05% 12,15% 68,24% 11,85% 68,26% 11,78% 61,11% 18,18% 67,35% 18,18% 13,67% 13,66% 13,64% 13,62% 18,75% 0,00% 15,60% 18,18%
From 65 or more 2,08% 6,37% 2,45% 4,17% 2,25% 4,20% 10,53% 50,00% 16,72% 2,04% 1,63% 10,44% 1,56% 10,68% 11,11% 0,00% 6,41% 6,67%