Main dwellings according to number of dwellings in the building by type of municipality

. 03-Alicante/Alacant

  TOTAL 1 2 3 4 5 to 9 10 to 19 20 to 39 40 or more
TOTAL 521237 140677 32139 14112 13791 84235 119261 68898 48124
Capital with less than 500,001 inhabitants 103293 5786 1730 1655 2013 16183 31300 25159 19467
Suburbs 102473 19419 5002 2666 3335 23274 31347 11428 6002
Rest, with more than 20,000 inhabitants 165263 38205 10288 4566 4382 27306 38678 23337 18501
Rest, from 5,001 to 20,000 inhabitants 118760 53972 11876 4554 3479 15591 16691 8546 4051
Rest, from 1,001 to 5,000 inhabitants 22283 15382 2291 531 534 1800 1214 428 103
Rest, less than 1001 inhabitants 9165 7913 952 140 48 81 31 0 0