Persons in de facto couples according to marital status by sex and age. 03-Alicante/Alacant

  TOTAL Single Married Widow Separated Divorced
TOTAL TOTAL 49827 32458 3930 2861 5932 4646
From 16 to 19 2684 2670 7 4 3 0
From 20 to 24 6767 6604 91 6 46 20
From 25 to 29 8979 8106 303 26 346 198
From 30 to 34 7608 5791 439 66 826 486
From 35 to 44 11049 5621 1065 300 2342 1721
From 45 to 54 5937 1926 865 466 1463 1217
From 55 to 64 3426 978 520 667 607 654
From 65 or more 3377 762 640 1326 299 350
Male TOTAL 25370 16727 2457 954 2818 2414
From 16 to 19 1232 1230 2 0 0 0
From 20 to 24 2851 2813 27 0 11 0
From 25 to 29 4450 4162 127 5 109 47
From 30 to 34 3915 3236 228 11 267 173
From 35 to 44 5778 3144 705 81 1032 816
From 45 to 54 3309 1125 587 87 800 710
From 55 to 64 1911 563 341 199 388 420
From 65 or more 1924 454 440 571 211 248
Female TOTAL 24457 15731 1473 1907 3114 2232
From 16 to 19 1452 1440 5 4 3 0
From 20 to 24 3916 3791 64 6 35 20
From 25 to 29 4529 3944 176 21 237 151
From 30 to 34 3693 2555 211 55 559 313
From 35 to 44 5271 2477 360 219 1310 905
From 45 to 54 2628 801 278 379 663 507
From 55 to 64 1515 415 179 468 219 234
From 65 or more 1453 308 200 755 88 102

De facto couples are all couples in which the components' marital status is not married to another person
at the same time