Main dwellings according to type of heating by fuel used. 06-Badajoz

  TOTAL With individual heating With central heating Without heating installation, but with individual room heaters Without any means
TOTAL 219224 5407 28038 154159 31620
Gas 63740 950 9836 52954 0
Electricity 82904 424 11686 70794 0
Petroleum or derivatives 9391 3751 5066 574 0
Wood 3213 158 591 2464 0
Coal or derivatives 27756 83 762 26911 0
Others 600 41 97 462 0
Not aplicable 31620 0 0 0 31620

Due to an error in assigning the labels, the data corresponding to individual heating and group heating have been
modified with date 13/05/04. In the previous version both categories were interchanged between themselves.