Households according to number of rooms in the dwelling by type of household (detailed). 06-Badajoz

  TOTAL 1 room 2 rooms 3 rooms 4 rooms 5 rooms 6 rooms 7 rooms 8 rooms 9 rooms 10 or more rooms
TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL 219240 438 3329 17047 39016 77609 54087 16199 6408 2457 2650
Single person households TOTAL TOTAL 41728 247 1596 5171 10013 13341 7458 2215 948 334 405
Single person households TOTAL 41728 247 1596 5171 10013 13341 7458 2215 948 334 405
Single person households 41728 247 1596 5171 10013 13341 7458 2215 948 334 405
Multi person households that do not form a family TOTAL TOTAL 853 3 22 69 183 302 161 52 26 13 22
Do not form a family TOTAL 853 3 22 69 183 302 161 52 26 13 22
Do not form a family 853 3 22 69 183 302 161 52 26 13 22
A family without other persons TOTAL TOTAL 174479 184 1679 11639 28463 63216 45943 13757 5352 2070 2176
Without nucleus TOTAL 6286 22 152 603 1357 2015 1256 486 202 91 102
Without nucleus 6286 22 152 603 1357 2015 1256 486 202 91 102
Just one nucleus TOTAL 149723 153 1392 9986 24344 55437 39753 11242 4221 1591 1604
Partner without children 36848 67 553 2941 7413 13381 8707 2358 834 313 281
Partner with children 97151 64 648 5849 13915 36461 27390 7769 2863 1071 1121
Father with children 2827 5 30 210 517 968 697 225 106 36 33
Mother with children 12897 17 161 986 2499 4627 2959 890 418 171 169
A nucleus with other related persons TOTAL 13917 8 104 790 2079 4333 3781 1524 687 270 341
Partner without children 3791 2 41 258 698 1216 940 361 154 56 65
Partner with children 7830 3 47 382 1019 2354 2257 951 435 169 213
Father with children 415 1 5 18 65 139 111 40 20 5 11
Mother with children 1881 2 11 132 297 624 473 172 78 40 52
Two or more nuclei without other related persons TOTAL 3921 1 26 223 596 1236 1004 432 194 105 104
Two or more nuclei without other related persons 3921 1 26 223 596 1236 1004 432 194 105 104
Two or more nuclei with other related persons TOTAL 632 0 5 37 87 195 149 73 48 13 25
Two or more nuclei with other related persons 632 0 5 37 87 195 149 73 48 13 25
A family, with other non-related persons TOTAL TOTAL 1743 3 26 142 282 597 415 137 68 32 41
Without nucleus TOTAL 193 1 3 27 37 56 38 13 13 2 3
Without nucleus 193 1 3 27 37 56 38 13 13 2 3
Just one nucleus TOTAL 1207 2 20 93 195 421 297 88 37 25 29
Partner without children 282 0 7 26 48 111 52 26 5 5 2
Partner with children 569 1 4 38 84 190 149 48 22 14 19
Father with children 111 1 4 10 17 36 35 4 2 1 1
Mother with children 245 0 5 19 46 84 61 10 8 5 7
A nucleus with other related persons TOTAL 248 0 3 14 35 91 57 27 11 4 6
Partner without children 61 0 1 3 7 25 17 5 3 0 0
Partner with children 106 0 2 6 15 36 21 14 4 2 6
Father with children 25 0 0 1 6 7 5 3 2 1 0
Mother with children 56 0 0 4 7 23 14 5 2 1 0
Two or more nuclei without other related persons TOTAL 70 0 0 8 10 24 15 5 5 0 3
Two or more nuclei without other related persons 70 0 0 8 10 24 15 5 5 0 3
Two or more nuclei with other related persons TOTAL 25 0 0 0 5 5 8 4 2 1 0
Two or more nuclei with other related persons 25 0 0 0 5 5 8 4 2 1 0
Two or more families without other persons TOTAL TOTAL 394 1 6 26 69 136 104 30 10 7 5
Two or more families without other persons TOTAL 394 1 6 26 69 136 104 30 10 7 5
Two or more families without other persons 394 1 6 26 69 136 104 30 10 7 5
Two or more families with other non-related persons TOTAL TOTAL 43 0 0 0 6 17 6 8 4 1 1
Two or more families with other non-related persons TOTAL 43 0 0 0 6 17 6 8 4 1 1
Two or more families with other non-related persons 43 0 0 0 6 17 6 8 4 1 1