Employed persons 16 years of age and over in family dwellings according to occupation (large groups) by gender
and professional situation. 07-Balears (Illes)

  TOTAL 0 - Armed Forces 1 - Management of companies and public administrations 2 - Scientific and intellectual professionals and technicians 3 - Support technicians and professionals 4 - Administrative type employees 5 - Catering, personnel, protection and commercial vendors workers 6 - Employees qualified in agriculture and fishing 7 - Craftspersons and employees qualified for the manufacturing, construction and mining industries, except installation and machinery operators 8 - Installations and machinery operators 9 - Unqualified workers
TOTAL TOTAL 371962 1412 33039 35040 35198 44410 77596 7017 72525 23030 42695
Businessperson or professional who employs personnel 29217 0 14555 2312 1213 624 3231 577 5431 857 417
Businessperson or professional who does not employ personnel 35725 0 8829 3604 3087 969 5286 2452 7008 2992 1498
Fixed or indefinite employee 212773 1159 8664 21919 24667 32019 45627 2585 40254 14485 21394
Tempory employee 92752 253 923 7026 6124 10685 23092 1299 19583 4627 19140
Another situation (Family help) 826 0 36 39 52 65 263 61 127 35 148
Another situation (Member of cooperatives) 669 0 32 140 55 48 97 43 122 34 98
Male TOTAL 222070 1158 22351 15981 21043 17661 32764 5739 65545 19894 19934
Businessperson or professional who employs personnel 21701 0 10418 1645 911 349 1809 437 5079 770 283
Businessperson or professional who does not employ personnel 23905 0 5072 2263 2099 501 2236 1888 6272 2651 923
Fixed or indefinite employee 126044 995 6282 9499 14958 13393 20283 2249 36231 12594 9560
Tempory employee 49657 163 538 2498 3019 3383 8310 1091 17788 3829 9038
Another situation (Family help) 375 0 18 21 23 14 82 40 82 21 74
Another situation (Member of cooperatives) 388 0 23 55 33 21 44 34 93 29 56
Female TOTAL 149892 254 10688 19059 14155 26749 44832 1278 6980 3136 22761
Businessperson or professional who employs personnel 7516 0 4137 667 302 275 1422 140 352 87 134
Businessperson or professional who does not employ personnel 11820 0 3757 1341 988 468 3050 564 736 341 575
Fixed or indefinite employee 86729 164 2382 12420 9709 18626 25344 336 4023 1891 11834
Tempory employee 43095 90 385 4528 3105 7302 14782 208 1795 798 10102
Another situation (Family help) 451 0 18 18 29 51 181 21 45 14 74
Another situation (Member of cooperatives) 281 0 9 85 22 27 53 9 29 5 42