Persons in de facto couples according to marital status by sex and age. 07-Balears (Illes)

  TOTAL Single Married Widow Separated Divorced
TOTAL TOTAL 44685 31282 3126 1730 4710 3837
From 16 to 19 2117 2104 10 0 3 0
From 20 to 24 5487 5330 81 5 57 14
From 25 to 29 8808 8063 256 28 303 158
From 30 to 34 8024 6384 396 58 693 493
From 35 to 44 10480 6048 872 233 1796 1531
From 45 to 54 5552 2125 667 384 1256 1120
From 55 to 64 2315 755 370 353 440 397
From 65 or more 1902 473 474 669 162 124
Male TOTAL 22757 16251 1846 500 2278 1882
From 16 to 19 1005 1003 2 0 0 0
From 20 to 24 2245 2210 23 1 9 2
From 25 to 29 4251 4016 93 3 93 46
From 30 to 34 4109 3475 200 4 258 172
From 35 to 44 5560 3460 525 58 826 691
From 45 to 54 3144 1307 427 79 698 633
From 55 to 64 1375 489 241 111 281 253
From 65 or more 1068 291 335 244 113 85
Female TOTAL 21928 15031 1280 1230 2432 1955
From 16 to 19 1112 1101 8 0 3 0
From 20 to 24 3242 3120 58 4 48 12
From 25 to 29 4557 4047 163 25 210 112
From 30 to 34 3915 2909 196 54 435 321
From 35 to 44 4920 2588 347 175 970 840
From 45 to 54 2408 818 240 305 558 487
From 55 to 64 940 266 129 242 159 144
From 65 or more 834 182 139 425 49 39

De facto couples are all couples in which the components' marital status is not married to another person
at the same time