Households according to the number of unemployed persons by structure of the household. 08-Barcelona

  TOTAL None 1 2 3 4 or more
TOTAL 1754332 1530361 197436 22987 2874 674
A woman from 16 to 19 years old 87281 81255 6026 0 0 0
A man from 16 to 19 years old 103958 96040 7918 0 0 0
A woman from 65 or over 130222 130061 161 0 0 0
A man from 65 or over 32699 32619 80 0 0 0
An adult woman with one or more minors 27640 24621 3019 0 0 0
An adult man with one or more minors 6510 6129 381 0 0 0
Two adults from 16 to 64, without minors 252222 219620 30092 2510 0 0
Two adults, one at least 65 years or over, without minors 224991 217047 7845 99 0 0
Two adults and a minor 151602 129068 21148 1386 0 0
Two adults and two minors 125165 109123 15207 835 0 0
Two adults and three or more minors 17916 15497 2213 206 0 0
Two adults 35 years or over, one 16-34 years, without minors 156609 129767 24261 2409 172 0
Two adults 35 years or over, one 16-34 years and a minor 62349 51430 9711 1124 84 0
Two adults 35 years or over, one 16-34 years and two or more minors 11661 9244 2089 295 33 0
Another household of three adults, with or without minors 104506 86083 15959 2231 233 0
Two adults 35 years or over, two 16-34 years, without minors 117210 90514 21898 4228 522 48
Two adults 35 years or over, two 16-34 years and a minor 17417 13006 3456 791 151 13
Two adults 35 years or over, two 16-34 years and two or more minors 3925 2699 906 260 52 8
Another household with four adults, with or without minors 48976 37653 9187 1795 299 42
Five or more adults, with or without minors 71473 48885 15879 4818 1328 563