Persons in homosexual couples according to educational level by sex and age. 08-Barcelona

  TOTAL Primary education or below Secondary education Higher education
TOTAL TOTAL Primary education or below TOTAL OSE, BGE, pre-university preparation course University preparation course Intermediate Professional Training Advanced Professional Training TOTAL Diploma course Degree Doctorate
TOTAL TOTAL 4672 1152 1152 2267 939 725 290 313 1253 492 688 73
Less than 25 799 488 488 273 135 80 25 33 38 24 14 0
From 25 to 29 years 733 107 107 404 155 133 55 61 222 95 121 6
From 30 to 34 years 872 115 115 452 163 155 70 64 305 118 170 17
From 35 to 39 years 828 107 107 447 157 152 62 76 274 101 157 16
From 40 to 44 years 515 74 74 267 120 77 40 30 174 59 103 12
From 45 to 54 years 574 115 115 287 137 87 27 36 172 65 99 8
From 55 or more 351 146 146 137 72 41 11 13 68 30 24 14
Male TOTAL 3063 748 748 1513 618 501 186 208 802 297 448 57
Less than 25 467 272 272 170 97 46 17 10 25 14 11 0
From 25 to 29 years 446 80 80 242 91 80 36 35 124 54 65 5
From 30 to 34 years 564 76 76 290 97 99 47 47 198 75 110 13
From 35 to 39 years 555 77 77 304 99 112 40 53 174 55 107 12
From 40 to 44 years 353 54 54 187 79 62 25 21 112 36 66 10
From 45 to 54 years 408 85 85 206 96 67 14 29 117 41 69 7
From 55 or more 270 104 104 114 59 35 7 13 52 22 20 10
Female TOTAL 1609 404 404 754 321 224 104 105 451 195 240 16
Less than 25 332 216 216 103 38 34 8 23 13 10 3 0
From 25 to 29 years 287 27 27 162 64 53 19 26 98 41 56 1
From 30 to 34 years 308 39 39 162 66 56 23 17 107 43 60 4
From 35 to 39 years 273 30 30 143 58 40 22 23 100 46 50 4
From 40 to 44 years 162 20 20 80 41 15 15 9 62 23 37 2
From 45 to 54 years 166 30 30 81 41 20 13 7 55 24 30 1
From 55 or more 81 42 42 23 13 6 4 0 16 8 4 4

In homosexual male couples, the man generating the nucleus is the oldest member of the couple.