Buildings primarily destined for housing, according to type of owner by state. 09-Burgos

  TOTAL One person The Community A company A public institution
      98210 89975 8013 195 27
    100,00% 100,00% 100,00% 100,00% 100,00%
In ruin     1886 1823 61 2 0
    1,92% 2,03% 0,76% 1,03% 0
Bad     3209 3039 165 4 1
    3,27% 3,38% 2,06% 2,05% 3,70%
Deficient     9845 9247 572 25 1
    10,02% 10,28% 7,14% 12,82% 3,70%
Good     83270 75866 7215 164 25
    84,79% 84,32% 90,04% 84,10% 92,59%