Households according to size by type of household (detailed). 09-Burgos

  TOTAL 1 person 2 people 3 people 4 people 5 people 6 people 7 people 8 people 9 people 10 or more people
TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL 127654 32005 31757 25583 25754 8593 2602 791 309 126 134
Single person households TOTAL TOTAL 32005 32005 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Single person households TOTAL 32005 32005 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Single person households 32005 32005 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Multi person households that do not form a family TOTAL TOTAL 896 0 773 72 27 9 5 9 1 0 0
Do not form a family TOTAL 896 0 773 72 27 9 5 9 1 0 0
Do not form a family 896 0 773 72 27 9 5 9 1 0 0
A family without other persons TOTAL TOTAL 92937 0 30984 24964 25293 8240 2380 660 239 93 84
Without nucleus TOTAL 4453 0 3659 641 122 25 5 0 1 0 0
Without nucleus 4453 0 3659 641 122 25 5 0 1 0 0
Just one nucleus TOTAL 78713 0 27325 21532 22359 5899 1226 248 73 24 27
Partner without children 20000 0 20000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Partner with children 45847 0 0 17204 21390 5710 1187 235 70 24 27
Father with children 2895 0 1702 935 210 38 5 5 0 0 0
Mother with children 9971 0 5623 3393 759 151 34 8 3 0 0
A nucleus with other related persons TOTAL 7878 0 0 2791 2419 1769 667 160 55 11 6
Partner without children 2284 0 0 1944 283 50 7 0 0 0 0
Partner with children 3995 0 0 0 1634 1527 614 152 51 11 6
Father with children 382 0 0 188 123 50 15 3 3 0 0
Mother with children 1217 0 0 659 379 142 31 5 1 0 0
Two or more nuclei without other related persons TOTAL 1481 0 0 0 393 467 360 160 61 26 14
Two or more nuclei without other related persons 1481 0 0 0 393 467 360 160 61 26 14
Two or more nuclei with other related persons TOTAL 412 0 0 0 0 80 122 92 49 32 37
Two or more nuclei with other related persons 412 0 0 0 0 80 122 92 49 32 37
A family, with other non-related persons TOTAL TOTAL 1470 0 0 547 369 275 148 76 25 17 13
Without nucleus TOTAL 226 0 0 134 51 17 15 5 2 2 0
Without nucleus 226 0 0 134 51 17 15 5 2 2 0
Just one nucleus TOTAL 940 0 0 413 248 183 70 21 4 1 0
Partner without children 274 0 0 231 29 9 2 3 0 0 0
Partner with children 342 0 0 0 127 143 53 14 4 1 0
Father with children 99 0 0 56 33 9 1 0 0 0 0
Mother with children 225 0 0 126 59 22 14 4 0 0 0
A nucleus with other related persons TOTAL 241 0 0 0 70 65 49 32 12 9 4
Partner without children 66 0 0 0 42 13 6 3 2 0 0
Partner with children 103 0 0 0 0 32 30 22 10 6 3
Father with children 24 0 0 0 8 6 6 2 0 1 1
Mother with children 48 0 0 0 20 14 7 5 0 2 0
Two or more nuclei without other related persons TOTAL 37 0 0 0 0 10 11 9 3 2 2
Two or more nuclei without other related persons 37 0 0 0 0 10 11 9 3 2 2
Two or more nuclei with other related persons TOTAL 26 0 0 0 0 0 3 9 4 3 7
Two or more nuclei with other related persons 26 0 0 0 0 0 3 9 4 3 7
Two or more families without other persons TOTAL TOTAL 263 0 0 0 65 52 52 29 32 12 21
Two or more families without other persons TOTAL 263 0 0 0 65 52 52 29 32 12 21
Two or more families without other persons 263 0 0 0 65 52 52 29 32 12 21
Two or more families with other non-related persons TOTAL TOTAL 83 0 0 0 0 17 17 17 12 4 16
Two or more families with other non-related persons TOTAL 83 0 0 0 0 17 17 17 12 4 16
Two or more families with other non-related persons 83 0 0 0 0 17 17 17 12 4 16