Population in immigrant family dwellings during the last 5 years, according to place of origin by nationality
(Spanish or not), gender and age. 13-Ciudad Real

  TOTAL Different municipality from the same province Different province from the same community Another community Lived abroad
TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL 22212 8231 1248 7707 5026
Less than 16 3849 1442 247 1304 856
16-29 6543 2446 330 1783 1984
30-39 6113 2439 393 1931 1350
40-49 2449 905 143 822 579
50-64 1710 529 86 901 194
65 or more 1548 470 49 966 63
Male TOTAL 11296 4066 617 3721 2892
Less than 16 1960 742 133 647 438
16-29 3154 1066 148 762 1178
30-39 3231 1266 192 976 797
40-49 1355 500 76 432 347
50-64 862 262 41 460 99
65 or more 734 230 27 444 33
Female TOTAL 10916 4165 631 3986 2134
Less than 16 1889 700 114 657 418
16-29 3389 1380 182 1021 806
30-39 2882 1173 201 955 553
40-49 1094 405 67 390 232
50-64 848 267 45 441 95
65 or more 814 240 22 522 30
Spanish TOTAL TOTAL 16921 8014 1161 7233 513
Less than 16 3117 1421 238 1265 193
16-29 4338 2361 293 1574 110
30-39 4575 2361 363 1798 53
40-49 1821 879 133 758 51
50-64 1556 523 85 880 68
65 or more 1514 469 49 958 38
Male TOTAL 8218 3954 564 3451 249
Less than 16 1580 737 127 624 92
16-29 1843 1022 125 644 52
30-39 2324 1222 176 897 29
40-49 974 484 69 397 24
50-64 777 259 40 449 29
65 or more 720 230 27 440 23
Female TOTAL 8703 4060 597 3782 264
Less than 16 1537 684 111 641 101
16-29 2495 1339 168 930 58
30-39 2251 1139 187 901 24
40-49 847 395 64 361 27
50-64 779 264 45 431 39
65 or more 794 239 22 518 15
Foreign TOTAL TOTAL 5291 217 87 474 4513
Less than 16 732 21 9 39 663
16-29 2205 85 37 209 1874
30-39 1538 78 30 133 1297
40-49 628 26 10 64 528
50-64 154 6 1 21 126
65 or more 34 1 0 8 25
Male TOTAL 3078 112 53 270 2643
Less than 16 380 5 6 23 346
16-29 1311 44 23 118 1126
30-39 907 44 16 79 768
40-49 381 16 7 35 323
50-64 85 3 1 11 70
65 or more 14 0 0 4 10
Female TOTAL 2213 105 34 204 1870
Less than 16 352 16 3 16 317
16-29 894 41 14 91 748
30-39 631 34 14 54 529
40-49 247 10 3 29 205
50-64 69 3 0 10 56
65 or more 20 1 0 4 15

"Immigrant population in the last 5 years" is understood to mean those who arrived in the current municipality
from 1997 and onwards.