Households according to educational level of the reference person by sex and age of the reference person.
13-Ciudad Real

  TOTAL Illiterates or Uneducated Primary education Secondary education Higher education
TOTAL TOTAL 161840 54853 39605 52528 14854
Under 25 2341 171 444 1615 111
From 25 to 29 years 7234 256 1003 4852 1123
From 30 to 34 years 13496 443 2293 8468 2292
From 35 to 44 years 34154 2056 7935 18905 5258
From 45 to 54 years 26062 4502 8248 10148 3164
From 55 to 64 years 23113 9528 7292 4783 1510
From 65 to 74 years 29380 18884 7172 2433 891
From 75 or more 26060 19013 5218 1324 505
Male TOTAL 113486 35089 30073 39587 8737
Under 25 1258 107 301 820 30
From 25 to 29 years 4484 199 771 3116 398
From 30 to 34 years 9551 340 1897 6164 1150
From 35 to 44 years 26055 1631 6653 14747 3024
From 45 to 54 years 20540 3491 6698 8213 2138
From 55 to 64 years 17673 7085 5704 3850 1034
From 65 to 74 years 20610 12994 5153 1844 619
From 75 or more 13315 9242 2896 833 344
Female TOTAL 48354 19764 9532 12941 6117
Under 25 1083 64 143 795 81
From 25 to 29 years 2750 57 232 1736 725
From 30 to 34 years 3945 103 396 2304 1142
From 35 to 44 years 8099 425 1282 4158 2234
From 45 to 54 years 5522 1011 1550 1935 1026
From 55 to 64 years 5440 2443 1588 933 476
From 65 to 74 years 8770 5890 2019 589 272
From 75 or more 12745 9771 2322 491 161

The Relationship with the reference person is not a direct question in the questionnaire but goes through
a very complex calculation process (prior selection of a standardised reference person that is always the
same in two similar households, in particular), therefore, in a small percentage of cases (irrelevant from
a statistical point of view), it may have been allocated incorrectly.