Persons in de facto couples according to marital status by sex and age. 17-Girona

  TOTAL Single Married Widow Separated Divorced
TOTAL TOTAL 26052 18143 1661 1174 2768 2306
From 16 to 19 1126 1122 2 2 0 0
From 20 to 24 3188 3133 23 1 27 4
From 25 to 29 4941 4573 120 10 157 81
From 30 to 34 4777 3905 215 27 361 269
From 35 to 44 6339 3605 441 132 1177 984
From 45 to 54 3053 1144 355 226 676 652
From 55 to 64 1256 341 173 226 269 247
From 65 or more 1372 320 332 550 101 69
Male TOTAL 13249 9404 973 342 1365 1165
From 16 to 19 518 517 1 0 0 0
From 20 to 24 1307 1298 4 0 4 1
From 25 to 29 2373 2259 48 3 40 23
From 30 to 34 2465 2132 107 3 141 82
From 35 to 44 3390 2086 262 33 541 468
From 45 to 54 1682 687 207 49 375 364
From 55 to 64 762 225 112 64 189 172
From 65 or more 752 200 232 190 75 55
Female TOTAL 12803 8739 688 832 1403 1141
From 16 to 19 608 605 1 2 0 0
From 20 to 24 1881 1835 19 1 23 3
From 25 to 29 2568 2314 72 7 117 58
From 30 to 34 2312 1773 108 24 220 187
From 35 to 44 2949 1519 179 99 636 516
From 45 to 54 1371 457 148 177 301 288
From 55 to 64 494 116 61 162 80 75
From 65 or more 620 120 100 360 26 14

De facto couples are all couples in which the components' marital status is not married to another person
at the same time