Main dwellings according to the number of rooms by useful area. 18-Granada

  TOTAL 1 room 2 rooms 3 rooms 4 rooms 5 rooms 6 rooms 7 rooms 8 rooms 9 rooms 10 or more rooms
TOTAL 280716 626 2895 12383 46273 106369 67287 22944 11300 4799 5840
Until 30 m2 913 227 388 183 93 22 0 0 0 0 0
31-45 m2 5778 155 993 1859 1641 767 273 64 23 3 0
46-60 m2 19279 104 832 3836 8418 4349 1205 288 136 80 31
61-75 m2 35694 29 255 2480 11937 16494 3275 770 275 121 58
76-90 m2 84002 57 251 2563 15202 42336 18030 3564 1317 432 250
91-105 m2 52524 22 82 841 5273 22507 16466 4160 1888 717 568
106-120 m2 34518 11 48 301 1981 11056 13280 4408 1906 714 813
121-150 m2 25190 7 24 175 968 5767 9233 4887 2275 881 973
151-180 m2 10850 8 8 75 438 1845 3260 2427 1431 655 703
More than 180 m2 11968 6 14 70 322 1226 2265 2376 2049 1196 2444

Although groups dwellings are main dwellings by definition, unless expressed otherwise, "main dwellings"
refers only to family dwellings which serve as the residence for at least one person in the census and specifically
conventional dwellings, in other words, excluding accommodation.