Households according to number of rooms in the dwelling by type of household (detailed). 22-Huesca

  TOTAL 1 room 2 rooms 3 rooms 4 rooms 5 rooms 6 rooms 7 rooms 8 rooms 9 rooms 10 or more rooms
TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL 73786 158 751 3145 10308 25291 21099 6454 3113 1442 2025
Single person households TOTAL TOTAL 17422 106 466 1445 3579 6001 3719 1130 474 219 283
Single person households TOTAL 17422 106 466 1445 3579 6001 3719 1130 474 219 283
Single person households 17422 106 466 1445 3579 6001 3719 1130 474 219 283
Multi person households that do not form a family TOTAL TOTAL 630 6 22 62 147 192 105 38 22 10 26
Do not form a family TOTAL 630 6 22 62 147 192 105 38 22 10 26
Do not form a family 630 6 22 62 147 192 105 38 22 10 26
A family without other persons TOTAL TOTAL 54520 45 247 1560 6370 18725 16973 5185 2559 1185 1671
Without nucleus TOTAL 2668 3 21 120 376 816 726 278 140 79 109
Without nucleus 2668 3 21 120 376 816 726 278 140 79 109
Just one nucleus TOTAL 42057 37 208 1255 5262 15533 13281 3441 1568 655 817
Partner without children 11730 12 104 464 1937 4604 3047 848 385 162 167
Partner with children 24232 17 66 576 2469 8744 8354 2153 947 406 500
Father with children 1334 1 8 62 162 461 428 95 62 17 38
Mother with children 4761 7 30 153 694 1724 1452 345 174 70 112
A nucleus with other related persons TOTAL 7151 4 14 145 578 1821 2247 1047 563 291 441
Partner without children 2034 2 7 54 213 589 623 258 129 70 89
Partner with children 4070 2 5 64 266 908 1338 658 371 181 277
Father with children 269 0 0 9 24 76 76 36 18 6 24
Mother with children 778 0 2 18 75 248 210 95 45 34 51
Two or more nuclei without other related persons TOTAL 2203 0 4 32 136 486 632 336 224 121 232
Two or more nuclei without other related persons 2203 0 4 32 136 486 632 336 224 121 232
Two or more nuclei with other related persons TOTAL 441 1 0 8 18 69 87 83 64 39 72
Two or more nuclei with other related persons 441 1 0 8 18 69 87 83 64 39 72
A family, with other non-related persons TOTAL TOTAL 1005 1 13 65 181 304 248 79 50 26 38
Without nucleus TOTAL 176 1 6 11 45 48 42 11 5 3 4
Without nucleus 176 1 6 11 45 48 42 11 5 3 4
Just one nucleus TOTAL 576 0 5 43 106 185 145 42 23 10 17
Partner without children 157 0 2 14 38 52 32 9 4 1 5
Partner with children 216 0 2 14 32 67 61 17 10 6 7
Father with children 54 0 0 4 13 15 16 3 2 1 0
Mother with children 149 0 1 11 23 51 36 13 7 2 5
A nucleus with other related persons TOTAL 196 0 2 11 27 54 51 20 17 6 8
Partner without children 62 0 0 6 14 14 14 7 3 3 1
Partner with children 79 0 1 1 4 23 25 8 8 3 6
Father with children 21 0 0 0 5 8 4 3 1 0 0
Mother with children 34 0 1 4 4 9 8 2 5 0 1
Two or more nuclei without other related persons TOTAL 40 0 0 0 2 12 6 3 5 4 8
Two or more nuclei without other related persons 40 0 0 0 2 12 6 3 5 4 8
Two or more nuclei with other related persons TOTAL 17 0 0 0 1 5 4 3 0 3 1
Two or more nuclei with other related persons 17 0 0 0 1 5 4 3 0 3 1
Two or more families without other persons TOTAL TOTAL 150 0 2 8 22 48 40 19 5 2 4
Two or more families without other persons TOTAL 150 0 2 8 22 48 40 19 5 2 4
Two or more families without other persons 150 0 2 8 22 48 40 19 5 2 4
Two or more families with other non-related persons TOTAL TOTAL 59 0 1 5 9 21 14 3 3 0 3
Two or more families with other non-related persons TOTAL 59 0 1 5 9 21 14 3 3 0 3
Two or more families with other non-related persons 59 0 1 5 9 21 14 3 3 0 3