Employed persons 16 years of age and over in family dwellings according to professional situation by activity
of the establishment in which they work (large groups). 28-Madrid

  TOTAL Businessperson or professional who employs personnel Businessperson or professional who does not employ personnel Fixed or indefinite employee Tempory employee Another situation (Family help) Another situation (Member of cooperatives)
TOTAL 2445701 123388 183271 1592113 537305 6153 3471
A - Agriculture, livestock, hunting and forestry 19468 1687 3105 9056 5369 146 105
B - Fishing 131 6 16 81 25 2 1
C - Extractive Industries 1004 35 94 689 178 3 5
D - Manufacturing industry 312944 15774 17404 225409 53107 601 649
E - Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water 16413 258 606 12478 3040 24 7
F - Construction 235056 17501 22499 103689 90476 641 250
G - Commerce; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles 342805 30339 41753 203782 64827 1611 493
H - Accommodation 136784 13035 12512 76553 33728 878 78
I - Transport, storage and communications 248143 8186 24299 169533 45564 324 237
J - Financial intermediation 111247 1358 4490 93046 12212 127 14
K - Real estate and rental activities; business services 310498 19962 31530 200357 57824 612 213
L - Public Administration, defense and compulsory social security 224715 0 0 190772 33943 0 0
M - Education 142310 3164 5736 96921 35078 325 1086
N - Health and veterinary activities;social assistance 145858 5172 8687 95576 35706 482 235
O - Other soc. activities and services provided to the community;personal services 99459 6886 10478 57630 23993 375 97
P - Household activities 97725 0 0 55612 42113 0 0
Q - Extra-territorial organizations 1141 25 62 929 122 2 1