Population in immigrant family dwellings during the last 2 years originating in another municipality, according
to type of previous municipality by type of the current municipality
. 30-Murcia

  TOTAL Capital with more than 500,000 inhabitants Capital with less than 500,001 inhabitants Suburbs Rest, with more than 20,000 inhabitants Rest, from 5,001 to 20,000 inhabitants Rest, from 1,001 to 5,000 inhabitants Rest, less than 1001 inhabitants
Capital with less than 500,001 inhabitants 5099 730 817 1760 986 651 129 26
Suburbs 8446 954 3380 1706 989 1162 222 33
Rest, with more than 20,000 inhabitants 3303 531 795 425 906 479 140 27
Rest, from 5,001 to 20,000 inhabitants 3102 386 631 879 556 534 102 14
Rest, from 1,001 to 5,000 inhabitants 183 8 39 53 22 53 2 6
Rest, less than 1001 inhabitants 74 1 13 6 3 43 7 1

'Immigrant population in the last 2 years is understood to mean those who arrived in the current municipality
in 2000 or 2001.