Employed persons 16 years of age and over in family dwellings according to displacement time by means of
transport (combinations)
. 31-Navarra

  Less than 10 minutes Between 10 and 20 minutes Between 20 and 30 minutes Between 30 and 45 minutes Between 45 minutes and 1 hour Between 1 hour and 1 and a half hours More than one and a half hours TOTAL
TOTAL 35,33% 39,75% 15,74% 5,53% 2,45% 0,96% 0,24% 208752
Only individual car, driving 31,58% 44,54% 14,57% 5,39% 2,58% 1,09% 0,26% 117429
Only individual car, passenger 30,63% 41,33% 15,24% 5,61% 4,30% 2,44% 0,45% 12684
Private car, driving and public transport 9,78% 49,08% 28,89% 6,81% 3,13% 2,05% 0,26% 1952
Own car, as passenger and public transport 7,59% 45,45% 28,45% 11,23% 5,56% 1,50% 0,21% 935
Only bus 4,92% 37,79% 38,03% 13,88% 4,27% 0,94% 0,17% 24907
Only train 8,51% 17,02% 12,77% 11,70% 18,09% 24,47% 7,45% 94
Bus + train . . 18,92% 27,03% 18,92% 24,32% 10,81% 37
Only motorcycle 52,61% 38,96% 7,58% 0,72% 0,10% . 0,03% 3047
Walking 66,36% 26,70% 5,81% 0,94% 0,13% 0,04% 0,02% 40189
Bicycle 64,48% 27,75% 6,20% 0,85% 0,22% 0,09% 0,40% 2227
Other 30,15% 39,73% 15,24% 7,08% 5,28% 1,56% 0,97% 5251

Only those who go to their place of work from their place of residence are included (in other words, those
who work from home are excluded, those who go to work from a second residence, those who do not have a fixed
place of work...).