Population in family dwellings in buildings destined mainly for dwellings according to year of arrival of
the household at the dwellings by year of construction of the building (grouped).
. 31-Navarra

  2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1991-1995 1981-1990 1971-1980 1961-1970 1941-1960 Before 1941 TOTAL
TOTAL 27521 5,05% 26119 4,79% 26855 4,92% 24450 4,48% 20962 3,84% 22965 4,21% 75659 13,87% 115705 21,22% 103504 18,98% 51040 9,36% 32315 5,93% 18241 3,34% 545336
Before 1900 1894 3,52% 1742 3,24% 1694 3,15% 1378 2,56% 1117 2,08% 1073 1,99% 4125 7,67% 6577 12,23% 5478 10,18% 5285 9,83% 9303 17,30% 14120 26,25% 53786
1900-1920 546 5,04% 368 3,40% 478 4,41% 395 3,64% 243 2,24% 305 2,81% 976 9,01% 1439 13,28% 1437 13,26% 1162 10,72% 1658 15,30% 1831 16,89% 10838
1921-1940 670 4,29% 661 4,23% 638 4,08% 475 3,04% 328 2,10% 414 2,65% 1263 8,08% 2578 16,49% 2155 13,78% 1677 10,73% 2484 15,89% 2290 14,65% 15633
1941-1950 867 4,63% 787 4,21% 669 3,58% 618 3,30% 525 2,81% 419 2,24% 1943 10,38% 2664 14,24% 2658 14,21% 2186 11,68% 5375 28,73% . . 18711
1951-1960 1775 3,76% 1577 3,34% 1638 3,47% 1466 3,10% 1025 2,17% 1004 2,12% 4184 8,85% 7053 14,93% 6461 13,67% 7575 16,03% 13495 28,56% . . 47253
1961-1970 4297 4,04% 4044 3,80% 3767 3,54% 3317 3,11% 2574 2,42% 2227 2,09% 9022 8,47% 17720 16,64% 26367 24,76% 33155 31,13% . . . . 106490
1971-1980 3705 3,08% 3440 2,86% 3697 3,08% 3035 2,53% 2719 2,26% 2365 1,97% 10064 8,38% 32185 26,79% 58948 49,06% . . . . . . 120158
1981-1990 1926 2,80% 1900 2,76% 2095 3,04% 2039 2,96% 1738 2,52% 1935 2,81% 11751 17,06% 45489 66,05% . . . . . . . . 68873
1991-2001 11841 11,43% 11600 11,20% 12179 11,76% 11727 11,32% 10693 10,32% 13223 12,76% 32331 31,21% . . . . . . . . . . 103594