Households according to age of the reference person by nationality. 31-Navarra

  TOTAL Under 25 From 25 to 29 years From 30 to 34 years From 35 to 44 years From 45 to 54 years From 55 to 64 years From 65 to 74 years From 75 or more
TOTAL 188772 2813 9129 17006 39762 36245 29474 28147 26196
European Union 184063 2156 8115 15934 38384 35825 29375 28108 26166
Others countries in Europe 582 67 136 128 172 65 10 1 3
Rest of countries in Europe 17 1 6 5 3 1 1 0 0
African countries with greater representation in Spain 1087 120 229 285 350 77 14 5 7
Rest of countries in Africa 130 14 39 44 28 4 1 0 0
Central America 233 26 42 57 80 21 6 1 0
Rest of countries in Central America 15 2 3 3 5 1 1 0 0
North America 122 8 17 16 34 22 8 10 7
South America 2441 407 526 520 685 217 53 20 13
Asian countries with greater representation in Spain 72 12 13 11 20 10 4 2 0
Others countries in Asia 8 0 3 2 1 1 1 0 0
Oceania 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0

The Relationship with the reference person is not a direct question in the questionnaire but goes through
a very complex calculation process (prior selection of a standardised reference person that is always the
same in two similar households, in particular), therefore, in a small percentage of cases (irrelevant from
a statistical point of view), it may have been allocated incorrectly.