Employed persons 16 years of age and over in family dwellings according to occupation (large groups) by sex
and level of studies. 32-Ourense

  TOTAL 0 - Armed Forces 1 - Management of companies and public administrations 2 - Scientific and intellectual professionals and technicians 3 - Support technicians and professionals 4 - Administrative type employees 5 - Catering, personnel, protection and commercial vendors workers 6 - Employees qualified in agriculture and fishing 7 - Craftspersons and employees qualified for the manufacturing, construction and mining industries, except installation and machinery operators 8 - Installations and machinery operators 9 - Unqualified workers
TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL 115653 723 11485 11500 10616 9436 17066 7672 21938 12189 13028
Illiterates TOTAL 425 0 11 0 0 13 62 95 54 52 138
Illiterate 425 0 11 0 0 13 62 95 54 52 138
Uneducated TOTAL 11683 0 965 2 75 212 1391 2688 2935 1333 2082
Uneducated 11683 0 965 2 75 212 1391 2688 2935 1333 2082
Primary education TOTAL 24941 56 2792 18 199 734 3408 3230 6650 3401 4453
Primary education 24941 56 2792 18 199 734 3408 3230 6650 3401 4453
Secondary education TOTAL 60404 596 6023 1249 7912 6579 11190 1598 12045 7104 6108
OSE, BGE, pre-university preparation course 34000 264 3176 304 2742 2156 6054 1215 8616 4874 4599
University preparation course 16087 240 2027 502 3485 3071 2956 238 1535 1167 866
Intermediate Professional Training 4690 49 355 139 477 495 1219 96 887 592 381
Advanced Professional Training 5627 43 465 304 1208 857 961 49 1007 471 262
Higher education TOTAL 18200 71 1694 10231 2430 1898 1015 61 254 299 247
Diploma course 9291 44 853 4447 1509 1162 713 39 167 196 161
Degree 8367 25 815 5341 882 719 294 22 86 99 84
Doctorate 542 2 26 443 39 17 8 0 1 4 2
Male TOTAL TOTAL 69046 581 7144 5042 6340 4087 6399 3773 18836 9547 7297
Illiterates TOTAL 172 0 6 0 0 4 26 26 27 27 56
Illiterate 172 0 6 0 0 4 26 26 27 27 56
Uneducated TOTAL 6981 0 530 2 58 118 578 1163 2362 1005 1165
Uneducated 6981 0 530 2 58 118 578 1163 2362 1005 1165
Primary education TOTAL 16195 49 1664 14 167 429 1358 1511 5756 2751 2496
Primary education 16195 49 1664 14 167 429 1358 1511 5756 2751 2496
Secondary education TOTAL 37630 483 3867 654 5039 2856 4152 1028 10487 5607 3457
OSE, BGE, pre-university preparation course 22476 221 1965 184 1984 1019 2374 758 7469 3894 2608
University preparation course 9171 191 1365 244 2090 1309 1150 172 1290 870 490
Intermediate Professional Training 2604 38 214 58 287 177 291 65 793 470 211
Advanced Professional Training 3379 33 323 168 678 351 337 33 935 373 148
Higher education TOTAL 8068 49 1077 4372 1076 680 285 45 204 157 123
Diploma course 3564 25 509 1461 664 399 177 28 133 95 73
Degree 4180 22 550 2647 387 275 105 17 70 59 48
Doctorate 324 2 18 264 25 6 3 0 1 3 2
Female TOTAL TOTAL 46607 142 4341 6458 4276 5349 10667 3899 3102 2642 5731
Illiterates TOTAL 253 0 5 0 0 9 36 69 27 25 82
Illiterate 253 0 5 0 0 9 36 69 27 25 82
Uneducated TOTAL 4702 0 435 0 17 94 813 1525 573 328 917
Uneducated 4702 0 435 0 17 94 813 1525 573 328 917
Primary education TOTAL 8746 7 1128 4 32 305 2050 1719 894 650 1957
Primary education 8746 7 1128 4 32 305 2050 1719 894 650 1957
Secondary education TOTAL 22774 113 2156 595 2873 3723 7038 570 1558 1497 2651
OSE, BGE, pre-university preparation course 11524 43 1211 120 758 1137 3680 457 1147 980 1991
University preparation course 6916 49 662 258 1395 1762 1806 66 245 297 376
Intermediate Professional Training 2086 11 141 81 190 318 928 31 94 122 170
Advanced Professional Training 2248 10 142 136 530 506 624 16 72 98 114
Higher education TOTAL 10132 22 617 5859 1354 1218 730 16 50 142 124
Diploma course 5727 19 344 2986 845 763 536 11 34 101 88
Degree 4187 3 265 2694 495 444 189 5 16 40 36
Doctorate 218 0 8 179 14 11 5 0 0 1 0