Persons aged 65 years old or older according to type of cohabitation by sex and age. 32-Ourense

  TOTAL Alone Alone with their partner With one female child With one male child With 2 or more children Another form
TOTAL TOTAL 91510 19286 28548 12821 13041 5839 11975
From 65 to 69 25765 3624 8483 3408 4133 2753 3364
From 70 to 74 22585 4123 8356 2745 3079 1446 2836
From 75 to 79 19008 4486 6578 2303 2508 787 2346
From 80 to 84 12758 3617 3436 1884 1692 432 1697
From 85 to 89 7706 2365 1345 1499 1067 277 1153
90 or more 3688 1071 350 982 562 144 579
Male TOTAL 39062 5162 15363 5066 5596 3064 4811
From 65 to 69 12038 1376 4043 1559 1957 1516 1587
From 70 to 74 10217 1183 4340 1226 1381 805 1282
From 75 to 79 8129 1051 3678 997 1065 406 932
From 80 to 84 4998 810 2141 614 675 192 566
From 85 to 89 2585 504 901 416 353 99 312
90 or more 1095 238 260 254 165 46 132
Female TOTAL 52448 14124 13185 7755 7445 2775 7164
From 65 to 69 13727 2248 4440 1849 2176 1237 1777
From 70 to 74 12368 2940 4016 1519 1698 641 1554
From 75 to 79 10879 3435 2900 1306 1443 381 1414
From 80 to 84 7760 2807 1295 1270 1017 240 1131
From 85 to 89 5121 1861 444 1083 714 178 841
90 or more 2593 833 90 728 397 98 447