Population in family dwellings in buildings destined mainly for dwellings according to year of arrival of
the household at the dwellings by year of construction of the building (grouped).
. 33-Asturias

  2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1991-1995 1981-1990 1971-1980 1961-1970 1941-1960 Before 1941 TOTAL
TOTAL 45489 4,32% 43306 4,11% 48283 4,59% 43208 4,10% 36741 3,49% 34676 3,29% 133347 12,66% 248571 23,61% 197754 18,78% 97522 9,26% 77306 7,34% 46759 4,44% 1052962
Before 1900 1511 1,72% 1346 1,53% 1450 1,65% 1380 1,57% 1302 1,48% 1274 1,45% 5025 5,70% 10459 11,87% 8615 9,78% 8236 9,35% 18452 20,95% 29044 32,97% 88094
1900-1920 906 2,24% 689 1,70% 991 2,45% 932 2,30% 779 1,92% 831 2,05% 3051 7,53% 5972 14,74% 4936 12,19% 3998 9,87% 7500 18,52% 9917 24,49% 40502
1921-1940 1019 2,60% 838 2,14% 1126 2,87% 1096 2,79% 905 2,31% 976 2,49% 2910 7,42% 5565 14,19% 5178 13,20% 4578 11,67% 7236 18,45% 7798 19,88% 39225
1941-1950 1574 2,87% 1499 2,73% 1811 3,30% 1549 2,82% 1304 2,38% 1212 2,21% 4638 8,45% 9826 17,90% 7703 14,04% 6906 12,58% 16857 30,72% . . 54879
1951-1960 3724 3,14% 3203 2,70% 3805 3,21% 3486 2,94% 3059 2,58% 2566 2,16% 10907 9,20% 21197 17,88% 18789 15,85% 20529 17,32% 27261 23,00% . . 118526
1961-1970 6717 3,45% 6737 3,46% 7542 3,88% 7158 3,68% 5630 2,89% 5209 2,68% 19235 9,89% 38637 19,86% 44444 22,84% 53275 27,38% . . . . 194584
1971-1980 6737 2,86% 6339 2,69% 7592 3,22% 6890 2,92% 5915 2,51% 5547 2,35% 23232 9,85% 65509 27,78% 108050 45,82% . . . . . . 235811
1981-1990 3301 2,39% 3366 2,44% 4337 3,15% 4450 3,23% 3670 2,66% 3803 2,76% 23515 17,05% 91406 66,29% 39 0,03% . . . . . . 137887
1991-2001 20000 13,94% 19289 13,45% 19629 13,68% 16267 11,34% 14177 9,88% 13258 9,24% 40834 28,46% . . . . . . . . . . 143454