Households according to household equipment by structure of the household

. 35-Palmas (Las)

  With individual heating With central heating Without heating installation, but with individual room heaters Has refrigeration 1 vehicle only 2 vehicles 3 or more vehicles Availability of 2nd residence
TOTAL 1,12% 0,17% 6,77% 2,80% 47,59% 18,80% 4,68% 8,48%
A woman from 16 to 19 years old 0,88% 0,10% 7,42% 2,98% 48,72% 4,79% 0,88% 8,12%
A man from 16 to 19 years old 1,10% 0,12% 7,36% 2,70% 58,22% 5,80% 0,90% 7,95%
A woman from 65 or overr 0,62% 0,12% 4,53% 1,32% 8,68% 0,61% 0,05% 6,18%
A man from 65 or over 0,64% 0,14% 5,29% 1,38% 28,38% 1,43% 0,11% 7,45%
An adult woman with one or more minors 0,86% 0,20% 6,60% 2,72% 49,05% 6,56% 0,70% 5,80%
An adult man with one or more minors 1,97% 0,00% 8,56% 4,98% 59,90% 18,30% 2,05% 9,31%
Two adults from 16 to 64, without minors 1,03% 0,14% 7,17% 3,12% 53,15% 21,31% 1,35% 7,29%
Two adults, one at least 65 years or over, without minors 0,60% 0,15% 5,29% 1,49% 39,91% 3,44% 0,44% 9,43%
Two adults and a minor 1,26% 0,13% 7,58% 3,07% 56,23% 25,77% 1,23% 5,53%
Two adults and two minors 1,45% 0,16% 8,21% 3,24% 56,53% 30,19% 1,29% 6,47%
Two adults and three or more minors 1,34% 0,23% 7,25% 3,09% 54,97% 22,07% 1,75% 5,41%
Two adults 35 years or over, one 16-34 years, without minors 0,97% 0,14% 5,92% 2,69% 50,77% 24,57% 4,61% 11,10%
Two adults 35 years or over, one 16-34 years and a minor 1,18% 0,11% 6,42% 3,29% 53,36% 29,69% 4,17% 8,60%
Two adults 35 or over, one 16-34 and two or more minors 1,57% 0,24% 6,01% 2,98% 49,20% 25,38% 5,83% 7,18%
Another household of three adults, with or without minors 1,02% 0,26% 6,65% 2,74% 46,50% 16,81% 3,82% 8,11%
Two adults 35 years or over, two 16-34 years, without minors 0,99% 0,12% 6,17% 3,21% 42,80% 32,47% 14,18% 13,08%
Two adults 35 years or over, two 16-34 years and a minor 1,29% 0,31% 5,68% 3,36% 44,68% 30,69% 11,78% 9,96%
Another household with fourth adults, with or without minors 1,45% 0,28% 7,33% 2,56% 44,09% 21,43% 7,58% 9,50%
Five or more adults, with or without minors 1,56% 0,33% 6,78% 3,03% 36,92% 26,15% 20,76% 11,91%

Due to an error in assigning the labels, the data corresponding to individual heating and group heating have
been modified with date 13/05/04. In the previous version both categories were interchanged between themselves