Persons between 35 and 64 years old according to type of cohabitation by sex and age. 36-Pontevedra

  TOTAL Without a partner or children With a partner but with no children Without a partner with children With partner and children
TOTAL TOTAL Without a partner or children TOTAL With a partner but with no children TOTAL With 1 child With 2 or more children TOTAL With 1 child With 2 children With 3 children With 4 or more children
TOTAL TOTAL 340361 53846 53846 33791 33791 26867 13861 13006 225857 75801 107157 33519 9380
From 35 to 39 66294 16270 16270 4836 4836 4239 2416 1823 40949 13801 22277 4121 750
From 40 to 44 64578 10650 10650 3422 3422 4635 2182 2453 45871 11880 25577 6870 1544
From 45 to 49 58852 7621 7621 3446 3446 4491 1984 2507 43294 11109 22160 7906 2119
From 50 to 54 56429 6938 6938 4986 4986 4568 2126 2442 39937 12484 17774 7324 2355
From 55 to 59 52849 6506 6506 7673 7673 4661 2478 2183 34009 14412 12722 5066 1809
From 60 to 64 41359 5861 5861 9428 9428 4273 2675 1598 21797 12115 6647 2232 803
Male TOTAL 165433 30591 30591 16373 16373 5165 2901 2264 113304 37760 54322 16624 4598
From 35 to 39 32599 10084 10084 2765 2765 748 509 239 19002 7121 9988 1614 279
From 40 to 44 31470 6547 6547 1838 1838 815 445 370 22270 6012 12576 3053 629
From 45 to 49 28595 4524 4524 1692 1692 833 439 394 21546 5435 11386 3785 940
From 50 to 54 27736 3890 3890 2265 2265 949 462 487 20632 6021 9476 3899 1236
From 55 to 59 25677 3139 3139 3461 3461 989 532 457 18088 7056 7102 2914 1016
From 60 to 64 19356 2407 2407 4352 4352 831 514 317 11766 6115 3794 1359 498
Female TOTAL 174928 23255 23255 17418 17418 21702 10960 10742 112553 38041 52835 16895 4782
From 35 to 39 33695 6186 6186 2071 2071 3491 1907 1584 21947 6680 12289 2507 471
From 40 to 44 33108 4103 4103 1584 1584 3820 1737 2083 23601 5868 13001 3817 915
From 45 to 49 30257 3097 3097 1754 1754 3658 1545 2113 21748 5674 10774 4121 1179
From 50 to 54 28693 3048 3048 2721 2721 3619 1664 1955 19305 6463 8298 3425 1119
From 55 to 59 27172 3367 3367 4212 4212 3672 1946 1726 15921 7356 5620 2152 793
From 60 to 64 22003 3454 3454 5076 5076 3442 2161 1281 10031 6000 2853 873 305