Buildings destined mainly for dwellings, according to the number of dwellings by their state. 37-Salamanca

  TOTAL 1 2 3 4 5 to 9 10 to 19 20 to 39 40 or more
      103555 90182 4368 1091 976 3089 2575 1054 220
    100,00% 100,00% 100,00% 100,00% 100,00% 100,00% 100,00% 100,00% 100,00%
In ruin     1508 1378 58 12 7 10 22 16 5
    1,46% 1,53% 1,33% 1,10% 0,72% 0,32% 0,85% 1,52% 2,27%
Bad     3195 2849 123 39 78 62 26 16 2
    3,09% 3,16% 2,82% 3,57% 7,99% 2,01% 1,01% 1,52% 0,91%
Deficient     12201 11002 456 128 110 265 146 74 20
    11,78% 12,20% 10,44% 11,73% 11,27% 8,58% 5,67% 7,02% 9,09%
Good     86651 74953 3731 912 781 2752 2381 948 193
    83,68% 83,11% 85,42% 83,59% 80,02% 89,09% 92,47% 89,94% 87,73%