Employed persons 16 years of age and over in family dwellings according to occupation (large groups) by gender
and professional situation. 37-Salamanca

  TOTAL 0 - Armed Forces 1 - Management of companies and public administrations 2 - Scientific and intellectual professionals and technicians 3 - Support technicians and professionals 4 - Administrative type employees 5 - Catering, personnel, protection and commercial vendors workers 6 - Employees qualified in agriculture and fishing 7 - Craftspersons and employees qualified for the manufacturing, construction and mining industries, except installation and machinery operators 8 - Installations and machinery operators 9 - Unqualified workers
TOTAL TOTAL 122717 1779 10761 18663 11362 10415 18746 8977 19926 8636 13452
Businessperson or professional who employs personnel 8924 0 4178 757 324 108 775 526 1792 345 119
Businessperson or professional who does not employ personnel 19613 0 3922 1446 891 224 2120 6611 2647 1077 675
Fixed or indefinite employee 64104 1054 2306 12082 7954 7376 10734 1145 9569 5209 6675
Tempory employee 28894 725 242 4312 2123 2668 4868 518 5686 1890 5862
Another situation (Family help) 532 0 37 31 27 21 178 119 40 18 61
Another situation (Member of cooperatives) 650 0 76 35 43 18 71 58 192 97 60
Male TOTAL 79843 1547 7513 8760 7297 4797 8201 8091 18355 7700 7582
Businessperson or professional who employs personnel 7021 0 3183 497 252 58 458 452 1720 318 83
Businessperson or professional who does not employ personnel 15230 0 2412 874 666 132 1117 5994 2481 1015 539
Fixed or indefinite employee 40582 931 1704 5832 5279 3812 4937 1066 8803 4680 3538
Tempory employee 16271 616 149 1530 1059 777 1587 434 5169 1602 3348
Another situation (Family help) 250 0 9 6 13 9 57 93 22 12 29
Another situation (Member of cooperatives) 489 0 56 21 28 9 45 52 160 73 45
Female TOTAL 42874 232 3248 9903 4065 5618 10545 886 1571 936 5870
Businessperson or professional who employs personnel 1903 0 995 260 72 50 317 74 72 27 36
Businessperson or professional who does not employ personnel 4383 0 1510 572 225 92 1003 617 166 62 136
Fixed or indefinite employee 23522 123 602 6250 2675 3564 5797 79 766 529 3137
Tempory employee 12623 109 93 2782 1064 1891 3281 84 517 288 2514
Another situation (Family help) 282 0 28 25 14 12 121 26 18 6 32
Another situation (Member of cooperatives) 161 0 20 14 15 9 26 6 32 24 15