Households according to problems in the dwelling by structure of the household

. 38-Santa Cruz de Tenerife

  Outside noises Contamination or bad odours Poor street cleaning Poor communicatons Few green areas Delinquency or vandalism in the area No WC in the dwelling TOTAL
TOTAL 31,67% 21,12% 34,63% 18,27% 46,21% 26,75% 1,79% 265949
A woman from 16 to 19 years old 33,09% 21,00% 33,60% 19,43% 46,61% 25,83% 1,68% 16187
A man from 16 to 19 years old 29,24% 17,37% 29,35% 20,71% 44,46% 22,84% 2,17% 23524
A woman from 65 or overr 25,87% 18,28% 29,91% 13,40% 37,63% 21,90% 2,63% 13603
A man from 65 or over 22,15% 14,68% 24,93% 14,60% 35,41% 19,24% 3,91% 5219
An adult woman with one or more minors 36,17% 23,34% 37,84% 21,90% 53,25% 33,14% 2,18% 6289
An adult man with one or more minors 27,64% 17,12% 31,93% 18,14% 48,45% 26,44% 1,48% 2167
Two adults from 16 to 64, without minors 32,93% 20,91% 34,99% 19,71% 46,98% 27,90% 1,42% 28427
Two adults, one at least 65 years or over, without minors 28,12% 19,69% 31,40% 14,36% 39,36% 23,34% 2,17% 22682
Two adults and a minor 34,30% 21,64% 37,53% 20,09% 53,51% 28,85% 1,36% 20759
Two adults and two minors 32,45% 21,79% 38,15% 20,44% 53,91% 26,72% 1,12% 17644
Two adults and three or more minors 31,26% 22,32% 35,56% 22,17% 52,35% 27,22% 1,63% 3979
Two adults 35 years or over, one 16-34 years, without minors 33,11% 22,68% 37,32% 17,39% 45,65% 28,00% 1,70% 16799
Two adults 35 years or over, one 16-34 years and a minor 33,20% 23,45% 38,42% 19,63% 51,42% 29,88% 1,25% 9886
Two adults 35 or over, one 16-34 and two or more minors 31,28% 22,10% 37,32% 20,78% 51,14% 29,93% 1,57% 5086
Another household of three adults, with or without minors 32,93% 22,51% 34,43% 16,89% 44,11% 29,08% 2,09% 17143
Two adults 35 years or over, two 16-34 years, without minors 34,23% 23,52% 37,86% 17,53% 47,06% 29,51% 1,30% 16599
Two adults 35 years or over, two 16-34 years and a minor 32,82% 23,14% 39,21% 19,60% 49,25% 29,29% 2,16% 5220
Another household with fourth adults, with or without minors 32,45% 22,92% 34,30% 16,57% 43,12% 27,29% 1,68% 10821
Five or more adults, with or without minors 31,90% 21,93% 35,08% 17,35% 44,18% 26,72% 1,85% 23915