Households according to type of municipality by structure of the household. 39-Cantabria

  TOTAL Capital with less than 500.001 inhabitants Suburbs Rest, with more than 20.000 inhabitants Rest, from 5.001 to 20.000 inhabitants Rest, from 1.001 to 5.000 inhabitants Rest, less than 1.001 inhabitants
TOTAL 182656 62775 10418 27148 39373 36301 6641
A woman from 16 to 19 years old 8212 3654 317 1344 1438 1225 234
A man from 16 to 19 years old 10768 3094 466 1746 2169 2668 625
A woman from 65 or over 13671 5476 451 1843 2498 2755 648
A man from 65 or over 4095 1135 117 477 734 1201 431
An adult woman with one or more minors 2669 1022 149 458 590 397 53
An adult man with one or more minors 789 256 55 102 184 163 29
Two adults from 16 to 64, without minors 18374 6223 1127 3248 4159 3151 466
Two adults, one at least 65 years or over, without minors 22904 8058 945 3371 4540 4924 1066
Two adults and a minor 13732 4279 1005 2376 3572 2296 204
Two adults and two minors 10820 3368 931 1681 2724 1940 176
Two adults and three or more minors 1448 535 113 167 319 268 46
Two adults 35 years or over, one 16-34 years, without minors 15321 5299 936 2476 3502 2720 388
Two adults 35 years or over, one 16-34 years and a minor 6605 2216 468 1033 1611 1144 133
Two adults 35 years or over, one 16-34 years and two or more minors 1332 445 95 179 314 270 29
Another household of three adults, with or without minors 12968 4701 673 1701 2555 2731 607
Two adults 35 years or over, two 16-34 years, without minors 13512 4986 903 2076 3020 2199 328
Two adults 35 years or over, two 16-34 years and a minor 2456 823 183 292 560 534 64
Two adults 35 years or over, two 16-34 years and two or more minors 522 153 32 52 117 142 26
Another household with four adults, with or without minors 8068 2522 472 956 1732 1976 410
Five or more adults, with or without minors 14390 4530 980 1570 3035 3597 678