Households according to the number of unemployed persons by structure of the household. 39-Cantabria

  TOTAL None 1 2 3 4 or more
TOTAL 182656 153371 25079 3537 555 114
A woman from 16 to 19 years old 8212 7463 749 0 0 0
A man from 16 to 19 years old 10768 9798 970 0 0 0
A woman from 65 or over 13671 13661 10 0 0 0
A man from 65 or over 4095 4089 6 0 0 0
An adult woman with one or more minors 2669 2288 381 0 0 0
An adult man with one or more minors 789 739 50 0 0 0
Two adults from 16 to 64, without minors 18374 15377 2738 259 0 0
Two adults, one at least 65 years or over, without minors 22904 21844 1055 5 0 0
Two adults and a minor 13732 11617 2003 112 0 0
Two adults and two minors 10820 9490 1259 71 0 0
Two adults and three or more minors 1448 1271 157 20 0 0
Two adults 35 years or over, one 16-34 years, without minors 15321 12157 2893 247 24 0
Two adults 35 years or over, one 16-34 years and a minor 6605 5379 1124 95 7 0
Two adults 35 years or over, one 16-34 years and two or more minors 1332 1095 210 24 3 0
Another household of three adults, with or without minors 12968 10460 2177 300 31 0
Two adults 35 years or over, two 16-34 years, without minors 13512 9512 3202 720 72 6
Two adults 35 years or over, two 16-34 years and a minor 2456 1745 575 120 14 2
Two adults 35 years or over, two 16-34 years and two or more minors 522 355 107 46 12 2
Another household with four adults, with or without minors 8068 6045 1624 353 38 8
Five or more adults, with or without minors 14390 8986 3789 1165 354 96