Employed persons 16 years of age and over in family dwellings with specialised studies according to occupation
(large groups) by level and and type of studies completed. 39-Cantabria

  TOTAL 0 - Armed Forces 1 - Management of companies and public administrations 2 - Scientific and intellectual professionals and technicians 3 - Support technicians and professionals 4 - Administrative type employees 5 - Catering, personnel, protection and commercial vendors workers 6 - Employees qualified in agriculture and fishing 7 - Craftspersons and employees qualified for the manufacturing, construction and mining industries, except installation and machinery operators 8 - Installations and machinery operators 9 - Unqualified workers
TOTAL TOTAL 76998 225 7160 22521 10780 8030 9912 881 8584 5578 3327
Law 3449 9 489 1835 507 362 123 7 30 43 44
Teaching, child education 6863 5 378 3921 650 677 648 36 138 215 195
Social sciences 14507 38 2061 2451 2811 3206 1874 121 630 606 709
Arts and humanities 4026 4 312 2203 501 366 291 21 120 113 95
Information technology 3597 10 289 422 1033 621 490 28 234 277 193
Engineering 5058 10 738 2826 459 187 135 28 345 179 151
Technical training and Industries 19289 69 1452 603 2503 1321 1821 375 6390 3533 1222
Sciences 2780 4 280 1581 469 160 101 16 52 74 43
Architecture or Construction 1230 0 128 644 133 40 43 10 172 22 38
Agriculture, Livestock and Fishing;Veterinary medicine 858 4 72 300 87 32 66 128 54 56 59
Health, social services 9617 8 297 5360 810 364 2294 21 122 117 224
Other services 5724 64 664 375 817 694 2026 90 297 343 354
Secondary education TOTAL 37073 138 2753 1173 5675 4189 7685 700 7498 4670 2592
Teaching, child education 799 0 42 213 69 96 203 8 47 52 69
Social sciences 6800 23 593 125 1435 1623 1403 92 490 467 549
Arts and humanities 374 0 39 38 89 31 68 13 44 21 31
Information technology 2942 10 218 187 825 570 452 25 217 263 175
Engineering 300 1 34 18 42 22 48 3 66 40 26
Technical training and Industries 18072 64 1258 307 2298 1259 1750 357 6167 3433 1179
Architecture or Construction 255 0 17 4 60 8 22 5 101 13 25
Agriculture, Livestock and Fishing;Veterinary medicine 413 2 30 10 42 18 54 107 50 49 51
Health, social services 3095 6 117 169 375 181 1885 18 87 83 174
Other services 4023 32 405 102 440 381 1800 72 229 249 313
Higher education TOTAL 39925 87 4407 21348 5105 3841 2227 181 1086 908 735
Law 3449 9 489 1835 507 362 123 7 30 43 44
Teaching, child education 6064 5 336 3708 581 581 445 28 91 163 126
Social sciences 7707 15 1468 2326 1376 1583 471 29 140 139 160
Arts and humanities 3652 4 273 2165 412 335 223 8 76 92 64
Information technology 655 0 71 235 208 51 38 3 17 14 18
Engineering 4758 9 704 2808 417 165 87 25 279 139 125
Technical training and Industries 1217 5 194 296 205 62 71 18 223 100 43
Sciences 2780 4 280 1581 469 160 101 16 52 74 43
Architecture or Construction 975 0 111 640 73 32 21 5 71 9 13
Agriculture, Livestock and Fishing;Veterinary medicine 445 2 42 290 45 14 12 21 4 7 8
Health, social services 6522 2 180 5191 435 183 409 3 35 34 50
Other services 1701 32 259 273 377 313 226 18 68 94 41

Esta tabla incluye sólo aquellas personas con estudios especializados, por tanto el total de Segundo Grado
está referido únicamente a los que tienen un nivel de estudios igual a FP grado medio, FP grado superior