Main dwellings according to the number of rooms by useful area. 39-Cantabria

  TOTAL 1 room 2 rooms 3 rooms 4 rooms 5 rooms 6 rooms 7 rooms 8 rooms 9 rooms 10 or more rooms
TOTAL 182645 459 2804 12364 38566 80963 29789 9810 4204 1766 1920
Until 30 m2 427 130 139 114 36 8 0 0 0 0 0
31-45 m2 4994 156 817 1674 1703 497 102 28 15 2 0
46-60 m2 24704 116 977 3948 11968 6826 700 113 36 14 6
61-75 m2 38100 23 527 2843 11779 20489 2016 314 77 24 8
76-90 m2 49376 13 223 2417 8138 30632 6404 1118 289 101 41
91-105 m2 29354 7 80 907 3013 14725 8175 1677 511 168 91
106-120 m2 14398 6 23 243 1013 4689 5558 1865 666 210 125
121-150 m2 10595 3 6 123 516 2045 4241 2201 925 307 228
151-180 m2 4683 3 6 58 204 602 1450 1177 631 286 266
More than 180 m2 6014 2 6 37 196 450 1143 1317 1054 654 1155

Although groups dwellings are main dwellings by definition, unless expressed otherwise, "main dwellings"
refers only to family dwellings which serve as the residence for at least one person in the census and specifically
conventional dwellings, in other words, excluding accommodation.