Population in family dwellings according to sex and age by type of household (detailed). 39-Cantabria

  TOTAL Male Female
TOTAL Less than 16 16-64 65 or more TOTAL Less than 16 16-64 65 or more TOTAL Less than 16 16-64 65 or more
TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL 530942 70657 360686 99599 259038 36443 180779 41816 271904 34214 179907 57783
Single person households TOTAL TOTAL 36746 0 18980 17766 14863 0 10768 4095 21883 0 8212 13671
Single person households TOTAL 36746 0 18980 17766 14863 0 10768 4095 21883 0 8212 13671
Single person households 36746 0 18980 17766 14863 0 10768 4095 21883 0 8212 13671
Multi person households that do not form a family TOTAL TOTAL 3439 74 2565 800 1709 31 1388 290 1730 43 1177 510
Do not form a family TOTAL 3439 74 2565 800 1709 31 1388 290 1730 43 1177 510
Do not form a family 3439 74 2565 800 1709 31 1388 290 1730 43 1177 510
A family without other persons TOTAL TOTAL 472171 67781 325828 78562 233298 34966 161966 36366 238873 32815 163862 42196
Without nucleus TOTAL 14179 321 7616 6242 6069 151 4168 1750 8110 170 3448 4492
Without nucleus 14179 321 7616 6242 6069 151 4168 1750 8110 170 3448 4492
Just one nucleus TOTAL 348370 53323 247169 47878 174838 27475 122868 24495 173532 25848 124301 23383
Partner without children 55242 0 28422 26820 27628 0 13255 14373 27614 0 15167 12447
Partner with children 253103 47842 190300 14961 130920 24694 97157 9069 122183 23148 93143 5892
Father with children 6884 1062 4826 996 5080 554 3539 987 1804 508 1287 9
Mother with children 33141 4419 23621 5101 11210 2227 8917 66 21931 2192 14704 5035
A nucleus with other related persons TOTAL 68947 6893 45688 16366 32572 3529 22944 6099 36375 3364 22744 10267
Partner without children 12947 371 6820 5756 6396 200 3453 2743 6551 171 3367 3013
Partner with children 44094 5196 30920 7978 21311 2659 15877 2775 22783 2537 15043 5203
Father with children 2256 292 1496 468 1404 165 1007 232 852 127 489 236
Mother with children 9650 1034 6452 2164 3461 505 2607 349 6189 529 3845 1815
Two or more nuclei without other related persons TOTAL 31290 5545 19366 6379 15258 2888 9108 3262 16032 2657 10258 3117
Two or more nuclei without other related persons 31290 5545 19366 6379 15258 2888 9108 3262 16032 2657 10258 3117
Two or more nuclei with other related persons TOTAL 9385 1699 5989 1697 4561 923 2878 760 4824 776 3111 937
Two or more nuclei with other related persons 9385 1699 5989 1697 4561 923 2878 760 4824 776 3111 937
A family, with other non-related persons TOTAL TOTAL 14216 1980 10187 2049 7022 1037 5120 865 7194 943 5067 1184
Without nucleus TOTAL 1555 145 1060 350 765 86 573 106 790 59 487 244
Without nucleus 1555 145 1060 350 765 86 573 106 790 59 487 244
Just one nucleus TOTAL 7751 1075 5719 957 3840 562 2868 410 3911 513 2851 547
Partner without children 1426 45 973 408 723 31 501 191 703 14 472 217
Partner with children 3919 661 2965 293 2019 343 1536 140 1900 318 1429 153
Father with children 559 99 389 71 352 65 248 39 207 34 141 32
Mother with children 1847 270 1392 185 746 123 583 40 1101 147 809 145
A nucleus with other related persons TOTAL 2967 392 2106 469 1467 205 1044 218 1500 187 1062 251
Partner without children 717 42 494 181 376 24 252 100 341 18 242 81
Partner with children 1333 188 975 170 663 98 495 70 670 90 480 100
Father with children 230 40 165 25 138 17 107 14 92 23 58 11
Mother with children 687 122 472 93 290 66 190 34 397 56 282 59
Two or more nuclei without other related persons TOTAL 1172 201 784 187 576 98 383 95 596 103 401 92
Two or more nuclei without other related persons 1172 201 784 187 576 98 383 95 596 103 401 92
Two or more nuclei with other related persons TOTAL 771 167 518 86 374 86 252 36 397 81 266 50
Two or more nuclei with other related persons 771 167 518 86 374 86 252 36 397 81 266 50
Two or more families without other persons TOTAL TOTAL 3523 692 2484 347 1710 347 1191 172 1813 345 1293 175
Two or more families without other persons TOTAL 3523 692 2484 347 1710 347 1191 172 1813 345 1293 175
Two or more families without other persons 3523 692 2484 347 1710 347 1191 172 1813 345 1293 175
Two or more families with other non-related persons TOTAL TOTAL 847 130 642 75 436 62 346 28 411 68 296 47
Two or more families with other non-related persons TOTAL 847 130 642 75 436 62 346 28 411 68 296 47
Two or more families with other non-related persons 847 130 642 75 436 62 346 28 411 68 296 47