Population in family dwellings in buildings destined mainly for dwellings according to year of arrival of
the household at the dwellings by year of construction of the building (grouped).
. 40-Segovia

  2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1991-1995 1981-1990 1971-1980 1961-1970 1941-1960 Before 1941 TOTAL
TOTAL 7229 4,97% 6372 4,38% 6359 4,37% 5370 3,69% 5538 3,80% 4955 3,40% 19407 13,33% 35754 24,56% 26895 18,47% 12754 8,76% 10764 7,39% 4198 2,88% 145595
Before 1900 171 2,55% 205 3,06% 102 1,52% 122 1,82% 119 1,78% 119 1,78% 403 6,02% 807 12,05% 781 11,66% 948 14,16% 1405 20,98% 1514 22,61% 6696
1900-1920 146 2,96% 119 2,42% 100 2,03% 69 1,40% 59 1,20% 96 1,95% 275 5,58% 585 11,88% 703 14,27% 786 15,96% 939 19,06% 1049 21,30% 4926
1921-1940 130 2,17% 101 1,69% 140 2,34% 82 1,37% 95 1,59% 94 1,57% 314 5,25% 741 12,39% 750 12,54% 836 13,98% 1061 17,75% 1635 27,35% 5979
1941-1950 221 3,01% 150 2,04% 103 1,40% 112 1,53% 132 1,80% 170 2,32% 486 6,63% 944 12,87% 968 13,20% 1068 14,56% 2981 40,64% . . 7335
1951-1960 501 3,36% 392 2,63% 442 2,96% 397 2,66% 306 2,05% 330 2,21% 1111 7,45% 2390 16,02% 2244 15,04% 2431 16,29% 4378 29,34% . . 14922
1961-1970 658 3,47% 408 2,15% 565 2,98% 411 2,17% 428 2,26% 390 2,06% 1660 8,75% 3235 17,05% 4538 23,91% 6685 35,22% . . . . 18978
1971-1980 859 2,70% 665 2,09% 738 2,32% 713 2,24% 607 1,91% 589 1,85% 2425 7,62% 8316 26,13% 16911 53,14% . . . . . . 31823
1981-1990 741 2,72% 677 2,48% 682 2,50% 696 2,55% 689 2,53% 693 2,54% 4348 15,95% 18736 68,73% . . . . . . . . 27262
1991-2001 3802 13,74% 3655 13,21% 3487 12,60% 2768 10,00% 3103 11,21% 2474 8,94% 8385 30,30% . . . . . . . . . . 27674