Households according to problems in the dwelling by dwelling tenancy regime

. 41-Sevilla

  Outside noises Contamination or bad odours Poor street cleaning Poor communicatons Few green areas Delinquency or vandalism in the area No WC in the dwelling TOTAL
TOTAL 35,83% 20,95% 36,68% 13,89% 45,68% 33,15% 0,77% 555605
Owned by purchase, free and clear 34,09% 20,67% 35,14% 12,48% 45,62% 31,79% 0,58% 285931
Owned by purchase with payments pending (mortgages...) 38,85% 20,89% 41,97% 18,95% 42,67% 39,18% 0,32% 138437
Owned by inheritance or donation 31,87% 17,70% 26,95% 7,89% 48,53% 18,67% 0,95% 38489
Renting 40,35% 22,93% 38,27% 11,92% 49,85% 38,30% 2,42% 43279
Occupied free of charge or at a low price for another house, the company.. 33,90% 21,02% 32,86% 14,17% 48,50% 26,10% 1,64% 17432
Another way 38,04% 24,89% 39,21% 14,29% 48,55% 33,54% 1,47% 32037